
Help help <span title="//////////////////////////////?is">/////////////////////////...</span> my husband of 18 years cheating use to date 20 ?

by  |  earlier

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years ago but anyway i said there is your ex and he went crazy i mean when we got in the car he called me every kind of b---- and i make him sick i must be in love with her then he said i wish i never married ur a-- and then he punched the sterning wheel i was scared to death i never seen him like that all this over a joke when he see my ex he say things like there go your boyfreind and we laugh i mean we been married for 18 years so why today would he blow up .do u think he is wanting her back or what i mean something is not right i cant shake this




  1. I have no clue?

    Maybe he has a mental problem.

    And that boyfriend joke is wrong lol.

    You make fun of an ex and you will become an ex yourself.

    What goes around comes around also.

  2. Want to know the truth about what your spouse is up to.

    Are sick and tired of looking like a fool and getting walked over.

    Have spent lots of time and money on professional investigators but have had limited results

    Are frustrated about how much hard painstaking work you&#039;ve put into trying to catch your spouse for nothing.

    Are so outraged by how worthless the books and professionals that you&#039;ve wasted your money on that you feel like beating someone up!

    Visit this resource site to help you catch your spouse

  3. I think you must have hit some sort of raw nerve with him. He may have thought of cheating, or be cheating, and be thinking you&#039;re on to him! Otherwise I can&#039;t understand why, since he&#039;s had no problem with teasing you the same way in the past.

  4. Something ain&#039;t right, maybe he still had feelings for her and really wanted to marry her. Thats a weird reaction after so many years!

  5. The only way you can know if he&#039;s cheating is if you ask him.

    You should look at what happened that day that he blew up at you.  There must have been other things that happened, the joking seems absolutely nonsense to have reacted that way.  You pointed out someone that had no ties to him - you should confront your husband about his attitude and make him explain what his problem is.

  6. after 18 years he acts like that out of the blue?  i think you are leaving out something if not you got a crazy man you need to leave right away

  7. Wow,something isn&#039;t right,maybe you were just on his nerves in the store or wherever you were and that last remark sent him over the edge,It doesn&#039;t make sense to think that after 18 years he would still be hung up on someone,I cant see any explanation in it other than that,that would be pretty sad to be hung up on someone for that long,thats not likely, there is something underneath that outburst other than the ex

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