
Help here, I am getting daily unexplained motion sickness.?

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Okay I am male an 19 now.

Around 18 I experienced a rather strange thing. Apparently for some reason something would cause me great motion sickness. I started to feel like a pressure on the back of my head kinda like a headache but it was at the very far back of my head near the spine. Then usually when I would decide to go to bed. I would be forced awake only to find myself completely lost in the dark....I couldn't tell what was up or down, my body was wobbling. I would have to try to find the light and It was hard to even move around trying to find my balance. My back of my head would feel like it snapped. And I would have extreme motion sickness for about a week or two usually vomiting the same night it happens.

Now I am 19 and I beginnning to experience it again every day about after noon....It went away....or at least I thought so. Now I get headaches and I feel pressure on my back of my I get motion sickness off the bat....mild....but enough to make me wobbly. Mornings seem fine I don't have a problem but after a while like noonish I get it and then begin to wobble and then get sick lucky I have not vomited yet. If I read I get it faster.

I am a student in college and this is gonna be hard semester apparently because I have a lot of reading....and I keep getting motion sickness....and wobbling.

Had anyone experienced this? Does anyone know if this is some kind of condition that could cause this that they have read about?

Just don't say go to the doctor....because thats a stupid response....I want some helpful information as to what it could be the cause or some understanding.




  1. The only use for a doctor would be for more detailed evaluation or testing.  The term of your symptoms is fairly long, which eliminates quite a few things.  

    The back of your head is where your visual cortex is located.  So, if you are in college and you are reading a lot or looking a long distance to a chalk board, then the issue could be either a lack of blood flow to the visual cortex of the brain or you need glasses.  Obstruction of blood flow could occur as a result of brain development, concussion (head trauma), stroke.  But you are probably a little young for a stroke.

    There could be other causes such as carbon monoxide exposure (around noon), hypertension (high blood pressure), or early stage diabetes.

    I hope this helps.  But for an informed decision, a lot more information is required, such as blood pressure, family history, weight/height, schedule with locations, etc.

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