
Help here please!!!!!????????????

by Guest58142  |  earlier

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my mom just found out that all her jewelry were gone, it cost up to 100,000, were afraid that my sister took it, cause she's gone now for three days, when she came back this afternoon, she said that she just sleepover to her friends house. we try searching the whole room, but we couldnt find it. when we ask her about the jewelry she said that she dont take it, and said that we could ask her friends to prove she is not lying.

my mom is really depressed cause she work hard for it, she's having a migraine now, she's really nervous and angry.

my sister is alcoholic and a smoker, were a little close. she's also having problem in school.

any suggestions???




  1. Chances are if your sister is addicted to a drug, (and alcohol is a drug), she without a doubt stole it.

    There is really nothing you can do to get her to admit it.

    Don't take the bait and ask her friends, they will cover for her.

    Tell your sister about  Alcoholics Anonymous, get a local minister involved, ask about "intervention".

    Tell Mom to  look into and join an  Al-Anon group.

    God Bless  

  2. Did you take it? If so, LIE GOOD! LIE VERY WELL!

    But if you didn't, stay out of it. Perhaps tell your mother to phone the police, it might scare your sister into owning up.

    Also, I smoke and I wouldn't steal my mothers things. That's a nasty thing to say.

  3. As previously answered, "I hope someone called the police".   God Bless.

  4. if you really suspect it is  your sister,my advice would be .

    first remain as calm as possible when you confront her.say you are only going to ask her this one last time and you would accept her answer.(she might be telling the truth and you wouldn`t want to isolate her over this issue.) when she denies it again then say to her.if it wasn`t you then we have no other option as to contact the police.(if she has took it the threat of the police might make her own up.when not i`m afraid you should go to the have no other choice anyway if you are insured and your mother wants to claim insurance.they will only pay out if you have got the police involved.

    i know this may seam not much help but remember we still live in a land where a person is innocent until proved guilty that includes also your sister.

  5. Who would admit it? You may be able to find out the truth in the next coming week. Pretty long, but perhaps it could show in the next few days. If your sis is bringing new items home, going out more frequent than usual, perhaps it is a sign that she has the cash to spend around. Then again in her absence of 3 days, she may have used up most of it already. What more, sharing with some of it with close friends. Some how the truth may surface one day. Of course, it's sad to think of your mom's situation, but how much can you do to help recover her lost? Basically, you should some how comfort her. Help her in the daily chores more to distract her disappointment. Let her feel that at least somebody in the family things a great deal of her. It may help a bit. You sounded like you have no dad around the house. By the way, as you have described of your sister's background, surely your mom should have similar suspicion over her. What could your mom have done even if she has found out, anyway. If your sis is a troubled person, for her own sake, then get your mom to speak to a special social group to help put her in some form of rehab school or something. If she persist to carry on her life as it is, she may end up in more depressing situation for ever body in the family.  

  6. just cause she smokes doesnt mean she steals lol. thats harsh.

    anyone else been to your house that could of taken it?

    has your mum wore it and put it somewhere else?

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