
Help how can i get over 8th grade?

by Guest33717  |  earlier

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im going to 10th grade already but in 8th and some party of 9th grade some really mean things were said about me by guys and girls and i didnt even do anything i tried to take the high road but it didnt work i dont know i guess im just a target for drama anyway those comments were REALLy mean they just keep replaying in my head and i have such low self esteem because im a really sensitive person so how can i get over it its not as easy as it seems




  1. it is hard...people can really make harm, that´s one of the main reasons I´m more like a looner.

    I don't care...really don't care what other people may think or say about me...mainly cause I´ve been in the same situation as you.

    The important thing is that you know that those things aren´t true.

    And if it´s really that hard try to get some help like a  psychologist, .they can guide you throught this, but you´re the only one who can overcome those awful moments.

    hope this helps, just a little at least, cause I´ve been there ^^

  2. Move schools . You don't need to put up through that sh*t .. My advice isn't the best but I'm super sensitive too I probably would've cracked by then and changed schools.

  3. Don't change schools. trust me If you  face these problems now it will make you a stronger person later on in life .You can't let these people or there negativity destroy you. Use there negativity to propel the positive within  

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