
Help how can i stop my 1 year old son?

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i have a one year old son and he started smaking adults and kids in the face, its embarrasing i know he is small but i don't like the fact that he hits. i don't know what to do. i need some advice on how to stop this. the other day he was playing with our neighbor she is the same age and he hit her about 3 times i was so embarassed with her parents i know i don't like other kids to hit my son so what can i do help please




  1. U know what the bible say, spare the rod u'll spoiled the child. Pop them hands when he try to hit someone and tell him that hitting is a no no. U have to explain to kids when they do something wrong, otherwise they'll keep doing it b/c they think it's ok.

  2. I would just look my son in the eyes and tell him "no, hitting is wrong that hurts you need to say sorry" and since he can't really say sorry I make him give whoever he hit a hug of course my son  has only hit family members I don't know what to do with people you are not close to. Time out is not advised until 18 months then it should only last 1 minute. If your son is 18 months I would definitely do a time out. The sparring the rod bit up there someone posted is c**p hitting your child will only teach him it is okay to hit,  do as I say not as I do does not really work.

  3. If you are spanking him don't as hitting a child causes them to be more likely to hit.  If you don't spank then i would watch and see if he is picking it up from other kids.  Let him know it isn't ok to hit and that it hurts and put him in timeout for a cool down period as soon as you see him start to hit.

  4. He MUST NOT hit others, including you! If I saw him hitting, I would hold his arms and say "No!" right in his face. Do this each and every time you see him hitting. Being rough with him won't help and he is very young, but he must understand that hitting is not OK, no matter what. You can take him on your lap and wrap your arms around him gently so that he can't get his arms free if he continues to hit. If he still hits after that, take him home. It isn't fair to you, but you and your son won't have any friends if he continues to hit others. Don't give him a lecture; he's one year old. He won't understand everything you say and just tune you out. One word is sufficient: NO.

  5. Ok.. I know this is a little different but It might help. When i was a baby I went through the biting stage. My mom was told to lightly bite me back. And it worked within a couple of time of me getting bit back that I quit. It's something to do with showing the child that what he is doing is wrong.

    I'm not saying smack your baby.. Heavens no!! But you might consider tapping the area on him that he smacks others. My best friends baby smacks if he doesn't get his way. She pats his diaper and says NO NO.

    just an idea.

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