
Help how do I bond with step-daughter?

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Hi my husband just got custody of his daughter every other weekend and we have her for a week starting today he have to go to work which means I will be watching her but I need to know how to talk and build a bond with her she has one with my son who is 1 so I need tips never done this before she is 8 years old been brain washed by her bitchy jealous mother who dont even want me to do her daughter hair.




  1. Don't push it just be yourself. Take some one on one time with her maybe while your youngest is napping. Play some games with her or sit and play barbies or dolls for a while. Just let her know that you are there for her, and try not to treat her any different than your own child.  

  2. Um try and find something in common with your step-daughter mabye shopping or something simple like that, she will eventually come to terms that your her step-mother now and that's not going to change you might want to try speaking to her and tell her how you feel. Bear in mind she's only eight and that her mother and father breaking up must have benn very emotional for her and she probaly cant get over that. She might think that you stole her mother from her father so you could mabye explain to her the situation

    Gd Luck:]

    P.S Theese things take time :]

  3. I don't mean to sound rude but i wouldn't bother trying to bond with her. I have a step-mum and i hate her! Alot of people don't like their step parents and trying to bond with her could just upset her more, thinking your trying to replace her mum.

  4. First, get "bitchy jealous mother" out of your head.  

    Second, talk to her like you would any other person.  From these conversations, you will see what she likes and doesn't like

    Third, let her help with the baby.   Ask her opinon about things

    Fourth, do girlie things with just her when the baby is asleep.  

    Fifth, you may want to do a few craft projects that she can do to take home to her mother (if she wants) and/or for her dad.  

    Good luck on the step child thing.  

  5. Just talk to her at 8 it's best just to keep it simple take her places she likes to go. Ask her questions about herself kids like it when you are interested in the things they like. If she likes dancing or drawing or a certain show watch it with her. Discuss things going on, ask about school, listen to her type of music. I had the same thing and found out that me and his daughter both liked dancing so I would take her with me to dance competition and even though  me and him didn't work out we still remain friends. Just don't get into the petty stuff with the mom don't ask about her unless she wants to talk about it. And just remember your still the adult and she should respect you.  

  6. Be nice to her, play games with her, paint each others nails, fix her hair, take her shopping! An 8 year old girl likes playing dress up or watching hannah montana or going shopping. Ask her what she likes and maybe take her out for a whole day with just you and go out to eat and shop. Don't spend alot on her, just being her friend will win her trust.  

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