
Help!? how do i block people out when playing basketball?

by Guest33360  |  earlier

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im a real good bball player..but i get mad and frustrated alot and it forces me to do bad and not play to my do i become stronger mentaly and how to block out people who try to get in my head




  1. never get frustrated that always makes u play bad. if their talkin s*** dont pay attention jus play the game like this

  2. b kool

  3. Just laugh it off and say to yourself that you know your better than that.  

  4. go to therapy u nutcase.JK. It caz u dont have  education and disicipline. if you did, then u swould simply ignore them and u know u r better that is why that are talking ****, to distract u.

  5. Dont listen to them and show them up the next play. That way if they say something u can dangle that play in their face. Trust me it works.

  6. u wish ur a gud bball player

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