
Help! how do it get rid of my swimmers ear??

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names frank and im a compettive swimmer in high school, 2 weeks ago, during a swim meet, i was swimming the 500 (20 laps) on the first 50 of the 500, water came rushing into my ears, and i knew it was bad. When i was done, i got out of the pool and started shaking my head to get the water out, but it didnt work, then i used a cuqtip, that didnt work eather, 2 hours later, after i just got home and took a shower, i decided to use my swimmers ear drops, there basically acochol that dryed your ear. but the second i drop the first drop into my ear, it started hurting like h**l i was screaming cause it hurt so bad.... so i stoped using that and i went to the ER and they gave me ear soultion drops. i used these and they didnt hurt, but they wernt helping at all, 1 week went by and still i have swimmers ear, i cant barely hear in that ear. now the next week, the docoters gave me a stronger ear drop, with antibiotic pills 2 take. 2 weeks went by and they still arnt getting better. i need help




  1. my only advice to you is use earplugs when you swim.

    and when you drop the alcohol make sure you bent your head on the side of which ear got water, you have to make it quickly!

  2. this website tells you how..

  3. I bet it is an ear infection now. Go back to the dr and get some antibiotics!

  4. This is way beyond just "Swimmers Ear".  Follow your Doctor's advice and if the first course of treatment does not resolve the problem, go back to the Doctor and get re-evaluated.  

    If you have continued swimming during the treatment that could have interfered with healing and even made the situation worse.  

    Really, go back to the Doctor and get additional treatment.

  5. that rubbing alchool stuff, helps it go away.

    or use ear plugs.

  6. Frank,

    In the future as soon as you get water that is getting stuck in the ear hit the eardrops.  You can make your own solution using 3 parts rubbing alcohol 1 part vinegar.  Same as the OTC drops. When I swam, we used silly putty ear plugs.  Suggest for practice using mack's soft silicone earplugs that mold to the ear.  For now, you need to be seen by a specialist ENT (ears, nose, throat).  Probably you have granular tissue in the ear and it needs to be seen by a specialist.  Floxin drops won't cut it.  There are many inflammatory middle ear diseases and generally unless it is a specialist they will give you the standard antibiotic.  It should not have hurt putting in the alcohol so you have something more going on than the ol' otitis media.  I prefer oral antibiotics in addition to ear drop antibiotics.  My son had an ear infection that wouldn't go away and I took him to the ENT who said it won't go away because of the granular tissue the antibiotic he was on was just a regular one (they are cheaper) and 1 day after being on the new one it began with a C he was feeling better.

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