
Help how does it feel having rubber bands in your teeth?? and how does it feel after??

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i just got these anoying painful brackets

for my rubber bands and im pretty sure im getting the rubberbands next week... or soon

i want to kno how does it feel

does it feel like u cant open ur mouth or wat?? lol

ohh and also how does it feel after they take them off does your jaw stay how the rubberbands

forced it too??

heey thanks a bunch have a nice







    what is rubber band ? and why people use it ?

    in wrestling we use many kinds of rubber band . i've .never used rubber bands in my teeth .

    only thing i know is wrestling . i know how to knock your teeth down your......

  2. sucks aint gona die just gota man up and accept it just think there are people in affrica who would be dieng to have rubber bands in there teeth so consider yourself lucky

  3. i used to have braces and i never really got use to the rubberbands, but thats just prbly b/c i only wore them at night.

    they feel like theyre always pulling your mouth shut.

    your mouth feels the same after you take them off. and maybe a little sore at first?

    i kinda forgot, so im not sure

  4. hey it feels tight and there is a bit of pressure but hardly any pain while they on

    do this:

    with your left hand pull ur right thumb

    does it hurt?!?

    now let it go

    does it go back to the same as before?!

    so they dont hurt and the rubberbands dont affect you once u take them off everythin goes back to normal so dont worry about it

    good luck!

  5. Umm... well, i have to wear rubber bands. You can open your mouth pretty well, it kind of feels like you're exercising your jaws, lol! When they take the rubber bands off your jaws just kind of bounce back. It will feel weird at first after you take them off, but you will get used to it soon.

  6. ya at first it feels like your mouth is restricted from opening easily and your mouth will just sore. the bands also feel weird on your tongue at first.

    but dont worry because this goes away and you forget they are there. its annoying to put the rubber bands in all time time. and no, you're jaw isnt forced. your mouth muscles will get stronger pretty fast.

    when they are off it will take more than a day to get used to it.

    good luck

  7. idk but i get my braces off AUGUST 5!!!!!! WOOOOOO

  8. They give them to you and you must wear them frequently but you can take them off.there generally use for an overbite/underbite.They will get your teeth straight faster.As far as the feeling goes there painful in the first week. if you talk a lot or open your mouth wide often they may break , but you take them off when you eat.If you don't want them to break ask for latex ones.

  9. they are only bad at first.

    BUt the thing is, I can totally eat with my rubberbands, easily, I just have to take slightly smaller bites

    The rubberbands slowly put your jaw in place so you jaw goes back to normal when you take them off, but it is a relief to take them off

  10. I had this before, and I was afraid of it too, but it's all over exagerated. The rubber bands feel like hard pieces of gum in your mouth and for the first little while your jaw will feel kind of tight and irregular because they are there. It will be awkward opening your mouth too because they're there but after a bit it's okay. After you take them off you can open your mouth like you did before, and when you have them on it's only a little limited. Hope this helped.

  11. ok i had to have braces to and my bro has them right now rubber bands arnt tht bad they dont hurt that much u just feel some tension but u get  used to them  wen u open ur moth it feels like somtins not lettin u  and no ur jaw dosnt stay like that  u forget u have them like i used to always for get about them so i ended up eatin a few of them dont worry ull b fin ignore all the stuff other ppl say oh if u had spacers then ur good that was the worst part for me the ruber bands are actually fun and u can learn  how to play guitar on them lol good luck and dont worry

  12. For a while, it just feels.. weird opening your mouth.

    Like a little thrust is making you jaw a little bit harder to open, after a few days though you get used to it, at least I did.

    And no, it doesn't. Once you take the rubberbands out it just feels like it did before.

    Its like having an uncontrolable piece of gum in your mouth; ha.

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