
Help. how to TRY in school?

by Guest45033  |  earlier

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Ok well im going into the High School and my problem is. In the previous years of school i never really tried. I just got good grades. End of 8th grade i got All A's and B's without Studying or doing my homework at home (usually do it spare time in school). Im a very fast learner. You tell me how to do something once and ill never need help again with it. But everyones saying highschool is hard work and i need to do this for college. I wanna do my work to the BEST of my ability like studying, doing my homework, and not procrastinating(I DO THAT EVERYTIME) How can i have the DRIVE to try my best?




  1. Well if I knew the secret to that I'd be rich!

    Seriously, just by asking the question you are on the right path.

    The key to doing something you want with setting yourself up to fail is taking BABY STEPS.

    When I want to do something that can take a lot of time and energy is first set the end goal. For example your situation -

    GOAL - I wanna do my work to the BEST of my ability like studying, doing my homework, and not procrastinating.

    END OF GOAL - When I graduate.

    Next you set the goal that would be just below that. So for you with School it would -

    GOAL - Have wonderful grades A's & B's

    END OF GOAL - Senior Year

    Work your way down just the same as above till Freshman year.

    After you will work out the STEPS starting your way back up the path. Starting with Freshman year. Your main goal is - Have Wonderful Grades A's & B's. So that is the main goal.

    MAIN GOAL - A's & B's

    End Goal : End of the year

    Then set your small steps for that one year. I think the next one if I remember right would :

    Main Goal: A's or B's on all Mid terms

    End of goal - the test ofcourse

    Again set up steps for that. I guess the steps for mid term would be study ofcourse & maybe have monthly study groups with friends. That would be up to you depending on how you study.

    Break that down something like :

    Goal - Studying for midterms

    How to study -  then list with 1, 2 & so on how you would study.

    After you have that path or outline step up think of what comes before the midterms which is TESTS.

    So your main goal would -

    Goals - Get A's & B's on tests

    End of goal - varies

    Then set up mini goals like how you will study, home work and stuff.

    Work your way down to smaller goals like -

    Goal - Homework = Get homework done each night

    Goal - Extra credit = ask teacher each month or so for extra credit

    Goal - Start a study group (you can write up steps for that)


    The key with working your way from the MAIN goal and working your way down is you see the whole picture.

    You know in your mind where you want to go and this helps you to take it slow.

    When you look at the big picture of = Wanting to work hard for collage it can seem so far off and like it isn't worth it.

    But when you look at just = Get all homework done BEFORE weekly tests that doesn't look as hard as GETTING ALL A's & B's FOR THE WHOLE HIGHSCHOOL YEAR

    See what I mean?

    I hope this helps & good luck.

  2. hahah sounds like me...

    i get A's and B's

    but freshman year i got a C in biology... thats what made me start to study lol

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