
Help husband cant get it up..?

by Guest61809  |  earlier

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been married over 15 yrs. for the first time EVER he could not get it up...what would cause that to happen all of a sudden???...never had an issue like this before.




  1. Happens as we guys get older.  Stress, weight, and a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to it, but don't take it personally.  It happens.

  2. Could have been stress or he could be tired, there are alot of reasons. The same way that woman can have a hard time relaxing and enjoying s*x.

    The biggest suggestion is to not make a big deal about it. If you do then you are putting undue pressure and him and it can cause it to happen again.

    Now if it is a continuing problem and there are other issues, especially when he urinates. Get him checked at the doctors. Otherwise don't worry about it too much

  3. There are a lot of men with E.D. problems.  If he has high blood pressure or is on blood thinners, they might give him that problem.

  4. Well after reading your other question... hmmm... GF- he's a cheatin..

    check out

  5. It could be many reasons. Too much to drink, stress, overly tired or a medical condition. There are quite a few that could cause this. Have him get a physical.  

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