
Help i'm 13 and had s*x last month HELPPPPPPPPP

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help my weight shot up and we did it again last night and just today i took the preg test and it was positive what do i do ? i sleep with him secretivly every night lol its fun he seeks in my room and he climbs in bed and leaves around 4am. who should i tell Oh no i have to tell my parents sooner or later HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP




  1. sounds to me like your making this up for fun. but incase your not, YOUR 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE h**l ARE YOU DOING HAVING s*x???????????????? You shouldnt even know wat s*x is all about at that age. you sound like an immature idiot, GROW UP. and go and play with your friends, do normal kid things, go to the movies or buy  a d***o if your so horny. you make me sick. if i had a child who was having s*x or even doing other things at 13, i would be absolutely disgusted.and you should be ashamed.


  2. Congrats. You're pregnant.

    You acted irresponsibly, now deal with it.

    PS - I'm having a really hard time believing you.

  3. i don't get what you're asking.

    yes, you need to tell your parents, and fast.

    the longer you put it off, the more scared you'll get.

    and this doesn't sound real. he climbs into your room each night and it's fun?

    grow up.

  4. i wasnt even thinking about s*x at the age of 13. and how old is the "he" that would be having s*x with you? well its one of those you did the crime you pay the time. its your body and your decison but at age 13 its hard to believe you even know your options.  and your parents allow you and him to be in the same house together not aware of the possible, slumber parties in your or his room.

    tell me this is a joke


  5. Hehe? Its funny when you're pregnant?

  6. A true troll

  7. Wow....troll!

  8. i tend to believe this is not a real question, but..... first of all, youre a loser and your parents should be ashamed of you. second of all, tell them asap so they (if they have any shred of decency) will take you to get an abortion and then send you off to boarding school. smarten' up - it's not a funny thing at all.

  9. uumm ya, STOP!!! if this is true and not a joke, your doomed hunnie!! God bless ! !  

  10. The last thing you want to do after finding out you are pregnant is continue to sneak around with this guy.  You might not want to hear this, but you are too young to be having s*x or having a child at that.  You still have yet to get through high school, college, possibly grad school, and find out what you want to do with your life.  A child is a huge responsibility for someone your age.  Obviously, you can't turn back time, but what you can and should do is tell your parents.  A pregnancy isn't exactly something you can hide from them.  

  11. 1. make sure you are actually pregnant [so do the test again]

    2. tell your boyfriend or whoever that guy is

    3. tell your parents

    4. tell the boy's parents

    5. all together, decide if you want to keep the baby or not  

  12. tell ur parent u are getting cabeza

  13. wow! your 13 and having s*x! you must be like the sh*t or something.

    and your boy gets to sneak in every night..really?...awesome. and now your pregnant..i envy you. i only hope that one day i can be just as cool as you are. seriously!!!!

    okayyy now that we got that out of the way and you got the attention  that you wanted and we pretended like you cool for 5 minutes...seriously fuc*ing troll. grow up. get off Y!A and do something with your self. go feed your lies to someone who cares. and even if this is true you could care less with the fact that "your prego" because iit seems that your main focus is that your boy toy spends the night secretly and your sooo cool because of that. woo!

  14. If I were you, I would go to your local planned parenthood or doctor to have a professional give you another pregnancy test before you run to your parents.  If the results are still positive, you need to tell your parents as soon as you regain your composure and work something out because theres a lot of very important decisions that you will have to make soon.

  15. I smell a troll here...

  16. 1. make sure you are actually pregnant [so do the test again]

    2. tell your boyfriend or whoever that guy is

    3. tell your parents

    4. tell the boy's parents

    5. all together, decide if you want to keep the baby or not

    and most important USE protection

    birth control, condoms, spermicide or anything else

    check this site out

  17. Well I was 15 when I got pregnant.Basically the same thing I was sneaking my boyfriend in the house and we were having s*x. Well it is a tough thing to face. But you have to grow up and do it. Do the right thing. There is homeschooling will help with school. You get a diploma. And make payments every month. A great thing to think about before you tell parents. Makes it sound like you put a little thought into it. Seriously it isnt that hard. Really they will love you and your child in the end. Please just do the right thing! If you want to talk you can email me!

  18. kick him in the shin

  19. something's not right... how go from being scard to telling details about how he sneeks in?

  20. You sound like you think this is a game.  You are going to have a baby and you are laughing about the fact that you sleep with him every night.  Do you understand what you are about to go through.  You need to talk to your parents and get some help.  This is not a game you are in for a long hard road! Best of luck

  21. uhumm STOP!

    First of all tell your mom what you have been doing and make an appointment with a GYN.

    being prego is the least of your worries kid you could have HIV , Genital herpes , Crabs and the list goes on.

    thats the consequences of having s*x.

  22. ***

  23. i think your not telling the truth.

    hah you cant have s*x evry night. i know its fun but it wont be if you do it every single night.

    also you shouldnt be pregnant beucase if you really are doing it every night i would think you would use condoms if not uhh your srewed. take the test again.

  24. Tell your parents now.  You shouldn't have been having s*x if you can't deal with the consequences.

  25. its obvious your lying right now. it says so in your other question! even if i didn't look at that one, i'd still know you aren't dumb enough to take it seriously, then a joke, and back again. plus, it says "last month" and then it says "every day." loser. if you think this is funny, EBAY can sell you a life. i heard that nowadays they're down to NOTHING!

  26. Good luck.

  27. Troll.

    Go play in traffic with your fake boyfriend please.

  28. Ok, I know you probably don't want to but you really need to tell your parents. This sounds bad but they are the only ones who can help you. They will know what to do. Once you tell them you won't like the reaction and things will be hard for a while but they will be alot easier then doing this on your own. (And just my advice try not to get an abortion) Good luck! God bless you!

  29. hey it's the troll that sits under the bridge wanting attention!!

  30. This is quite the contradiction.

    You say "HELPPPPPPPPPPPP", and yet in the next breath, it's " I sleep with his secretivly every night, lol its fun " .

    You dont seem even a tad concerned about your "pregnancy"

    Bleh. A joke is a joke, but it just gets unbelievable sometimes.

    Stop wasting peoples time and grow up.

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