
Help!! i'm in love with my teacher?

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hi 'i'm daisy.

please help me, i have a problem!

i'm really in love with my maths teacher!!!

i had him for year 9 now it's the summer holidays, i didn't think i would see him again!

there was a different teacher on my timetable, and i was really upset, but that teacher said she would move me up, and hey guess what i have him for gcse!

i have him for the whole two years... and i can't stop thinking about him, he's just got married aswell :(

i dunno what to do, i've been off for summer for a week and i haven't been out & all i think about is him!

help me, i don't know what to do...

in the lesson i just stare at him and when he comes up to me i go bright red & stare into his eyes

when i see him in the corridors, my legs go all weak and i breathe funny!

i know he likes the attention, he acts different towards me... if people have a go at him he shouts at them, and if i have a go at him he gets all upset & goes 'i'm really disappointed in you'




  1. Move schools or get yourself taken out of his classes somehow. Seriously, you can have a crush on a teacher that's ok, but don't get involved with one, you are so young, I would hope he isn't interested anyway but just incase if I were you I would do everything I can to get over it before you either embarass yourself or something happens that will damage you both.

  2. OMG! Girls your age having sexual fantasies???!!!! You sound like a troublemaker.  

    Are there no guys your age that you can latch onto?  My advice to you is to get your mom to take you to a therapist.  You are delusional that he treats you different or keeps you after class for no reason.  He does not like the attention from you.  Sorry to be harsh here, but you have nothing to offer him except trouble.  You need a job or something this summer.  Definitely check into why you are so interested in someone you cannot have. I'm disappointed.

  3. I think you will find this is infatuation.  Lots of girls have a crush on their teacher, but grow out of it.  Also your teacher has just got married so is not going to respond to you other than in a teacher/pupil relationship.  He probably is disappointed in you when as you say you have a go at him, as probably thought you were a nice polite respectful girl.  He also knows anything other than a teaching acquaintance is a dismissible offence, and will probably result in not being able to hold another teaching position ever again.

    Enjoy your summer holidays, don't sit indoors moping for what you can't have.

  4. i think its normall for a kid to be attracted to a teacher. but not in love. you gotta realize that hes a teacher and that nothing can happen between you so keep dreaming cuz thats as far as it will go.

  5. Sweet, it's your first crush or something?

    I don't know how to tell you this but, well, if his married he wouldn't go out or marry any younger kid. And well, it's time to move on and get over him and like someone else your own age. Summer holidays is for relaxation from school, so enjoy it and don't think about him..

  6. i know you dont want to hear this but its only a school girl crush even if it is something stronger theres nothing you can do about it unless you want your teacher to lose his job or worse i thought i was in love with my chemistry teacher years ago cos he treated me differently just look for boys your own age x

  7. As hard as it may sound...Try to get over him...He's newly married so hes not interested...he may know u like him and he's messing with you if you get what i mean, by keeping you behind after lessons, and treating you different in class.

    really...get over him...its easier than u me (been there)

  8. look not being harsh or anything but he's never gonna get with you!

  9. He is MARRIED duh! I think you are a ******* w***e!

  10. find somone else cos you aint gonna get with him

  11. All you have is a dream missed the mark. There are a lot of guys out there!! :-)

  12. There is nothing you can do of course he's not going to fall in love with you or marry you, no offence.

    its just a little crush you cant do anything about it.

  13. i can understand that hun.  however, he's alrady locked in his cage, so its time to look at the other males in the zoo.. good luck

  14. its normal to have a crush on your teacher. u may think your in love but its more likely you are just infatuated with him. its best not to pursue him because he has just got married and he will likely loose his job and i dnt think u wud want that. so take it easy and just try and get over it.

  15. I told you to leave me alone before i get sacked.

  16. your not in 'love' with him your in LUST

    get with him and see if he is really all that.

  17. You're still young and impulsive. It would be better if you go out with your peers to take your mind off him. Have fun!!! Its that time of your life when life seems an endless fun. Don't think about him as an object of your adoration and lust. Think of him as your teacher. Its normal to be infatuated with older men at your age, but it goes away with the baby fat. Go out with your friends. Summer is a time to have fun.

  18. Keep it in your pants.

  19. your only 14 and love a man so much older than you, be careful, you could get him arrested, and id request a transfer to help you oncentrate bbetter, and your having fantasies over a teacher, thats just wrong

  20. Sounds like you have it bad, when you say fantasies about him are playing with yourself while imagining it's him?

    Him keeping you late probably means he wants to get into your knickers.

    You say your legs go weak, do you start leaking in your knickers too?

    Not sure how old you are but be very careful sweetie, he could lose his career and you could end up pregnant.

    If need an older man then look no further lol

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