
Help! i've got best friend drama! am i wrong?

by  |  earlier

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okay, earlier this year my best friend and i got in a huge fight. Were still not talking i've tried to fix it, but she just cant forgive me. Here's the story, Well my boyfriend was best friends with this guy, me and that "guy" would talk...a lot, well my best friend didn't even know who he was, but liked him. She only talked to him once, but she was in love with him.Well this "guy" apparently had feelings for me, So i told my friend. It didn't seem to bother her. Later on me and my boy friend who wasn't talking to his best friend any more since he found out about his feelings towards me, broke up. We didn't talk much after that, Well his best friend called me and asked me to go out with him, I asked another friend what she thought and she told me to go for it, so i won't be so sad and to go out. i ended up telling my friend about this,( who she didn't even like this "guy" any more. She had said she was completely over him.) because i thought it was right for her to know, instead of someone else telling her. Plus i even asked her if it was okay. She was fine. Later on she was avoiding me and all of a sudden a get a tex from her saying she didn't want me to go out with him. I totally understood that, i wasn't able to get back to her cause i was in class. From then and on she didn't talk to me, people were telling me that she was crying. So i tried to talk to her but she whoudl ignore me. So i stoped, When i told this "guy" i could't make it, he said we needed to hang out, becuase he was leaving to the army in July and wasn't coming back till decmber. i felt totaltly bad. so i went out with him. My ex even went, and we got back together. And even though my friend knows this, she say she never wants to be friends with me. Every body tells me just to forget her. but She was my best friend for like 5 years. Now i dont know i fell like i'm wrong, or maybe she's wrong.....or Both of us.....what do you think......what should i do?




  1. No matter how you justify, at your age this kind of thing

    can be common.  Sometimes it is totally going too far the

    nonsense and in-fighting between friends.

    Your best bet now, if you haven't already done so, is give

    her some space.....that means if you really don't have

    anything to be guilty about, .....stop acting guilty....ringing

    and trying to contact her and so on and so on !! If she is

    truly a friend , she will come to her own senses, but you

    need to stop contacting her for a while.  If shes true would

    she not be missing you likewise ?..........This should give you

    an answer.

    After a few weeks of no contact.....write a brief letter and give

    her the opportunity to respond.........{if you still want her as friend}

    If she doesn't just let it be.  If she does meet up with you, say

    to her, no interruptions, i explain what happened in my words and

    then you explain what happened....then see if you two can come

    to an understanding.

    Oh and the other thing to do right now !   is STOP talking to different

    friends and anyone that is about this. Just stop because people are

    like chinise wispers, and can't help themselves spreading gossip and

    adding their own version to events, then making them lies.

  2. From the sounds of it - you were honest with her when he told you he liked you and when he asked you out - you even asked your friend if it was all right and you tried to get out of going out with him.  

    Your friend just needs to get over it.  You were a good friend to her.

    You may be finding out you weren't really as good of friends as you thought you were.  

  3. isn't this a t.v. show called the hills?  

  4. Your friend is being selfish and unfair. She said it was fine!! She is definitely the one in the wrong, not you. You should try talking to her again, but if she won't even talk to you she's being very immature and acting extremely childish. She has only herself to blame, she was the one that gave the okay. She's behaving ridiculously. Try talking to her about it, but if that doesn't work, the friendship has ended, at least for a while.

    good luck

  5. personally I think friends shouldn't fight over stupid boys... talk to her I know she doesn't want to talk but put pressure on her say something like even though you dont wanna talk to me I just want you to know that Im still here and Im still your friend if you dont want that then guess is up to you

  6. Im kinda in the same problem as you with my best friend which we have been friends for 4 years except not the boy drama. But if your friend said it was okay with her she was prolly trying to hide her feelings. When my bestfriends got a bf she started changing into a person i didnt know she started hanging out with people who drinked and smoked and didnt care a d**n about our me unless she needed a talk. and i kinda ended it and now i regret but who knows we mite get back togther. But yeah try to settle things with her cause i regretted ending my friendship, and she should really know howt that guy felt.

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