
Help i am not sure what is going on?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently 39 weeks pregnant and due on tuesday. I have been experiencing some sharp pains in my lower pelvic area and they go down into my crotch. It is sometimes excrutiating when I stand up, and they make me stop sometimes when I am walking. I have felt like I have had to use the bathroom, but nothing comes out. My back hurts a little, but nothing major. My doctor did not check me at my last appt to see if I was dialated and I don't go back until Monday. What should I do?




  1. This is how I felt when I went into labor. I would call your OB right away or just go to the maternity ward at your hosp. it sounds like you may be in early labor. Please get checked out.

  2. id say relax have a warm bath give the horpital a call where you are giing birth these all happened to me just before i gave birth so the hospital might get you to head in for a check up to see if your dilated i also thru up before i went into "full on labour" id say your bubs is getting ready and you may not make it till monday so best of luck and if in doubt call the hospital they will help :):)

  3. It sounds like the baby is sitting on your bladder, a very common complaint in the last couple weeks of pregnancy.  If the pain is truly excruciating, go to the emergency room or make an appointment with your doctor for first thing in the morning.

  4. I'd probably go to the ER and get checked. Just to be safe. You may be in labor.

  5. call your doctor you could be going into labor already  

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