
Help i am using site builder i made a banner with banner pro 6 i can get the link to work but i have an x no

by Guest66849  |  earlier

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no banner it it sed that i hade to copy the gif to my site i did still nothing just the x when you click on the x it works what do i do

thank you derold




  1. First make sure the image is uploaded to your site where the image tag's path is calling it from.  Ensure that it is named correctly and is not using ANY spaces in the name.

    For a proper image link, look at the source code and see if it comes close to the following:

    <a href="Link URL" title="Mouseover Description><img style="width: XXpx; height: YYpx; border: 0; src="image_URL" alt="Text Description"></a>

    Should look very close to that except for the correct links/paths and dimensions.


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