
Help!! i cant decide which car to get?? ( pic )?

by  |  earlier

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i seriously cant decide !! which one do you think is cuter / nicer/ better. whatever.




  1. Chevy

  2. Saabs are more luxurious, or nicer.. whatever. The other is a POS. Seriously.. :) But the Saab would be more expensive to work on if something mechanically went wrong.

  3. honestly i would go with the saab i have never heard any reliability issue...and you would enjoy puttin the top down..

  4. AVOID THE SAAB....... I had one of those once (a 2003) and what a piece of fershizzle.... 2 Clutches in one year, 1 transmission and the shifter kept breaking.... Never mind that I have been driving standard transmission cars since 1970. I have NEVER needed any transmission service in almost 40 years until I got a SAAB ---- I cannot stress enough what pieces of c**p these cars are.... They only thing good I can say is this... If you really want one then ONLY BUY a new one and after the last payment is made trade it in, burn it, donate it, give it to someone you hate because when these Saabs start having problems they will empty you purse faster than a crackhead needing his next fix!!!...    If you need a car thats good daily transportaion then consider the other car... Those are known to be reliable and when they do flake there not too expensive to fix.... A coworker of mine has one and is quite satisfied with it....

  5. you're serious?

    depends on price// reliability of car// condition// gas mileage

  6. the saab because they are kind of rare at least where i live and its a convertible and will be good for chillin but your friends will always want to take the convertible so its up to you but just some things to think about

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