
Help i cant fall asleep?

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I am a very active person, i play sports and hang out everyday so i basically get tired. But when it comes to falling asleep i usually dont sleep at all or fall asleep minimum 4 in the morning. Im 15 and i dont know if i should take pills or what, thx




  1. usually when you can't fall asleep there is some tension going on in your life or something like that. so if there is then try to clear it up and then i'm sure that you'll be able to sleepo better. otherwise… i don't know. OR you could try reading a REALLY boring book and then you will eventually fall asleep

  2. Maybe one of those over the counter sleep aids that use the side effects of anti-allergy meds to promote sleep?

    Not sure if they'd sell it to 15 yrs though.

    Oh yeah, warm milk helps.  Also chamomile tea.

  3. This can be caused by some short term Insomnia. Because your a athletic person and are constantly moving then not moving, your body could be producing a good amount of energy ready to be released into your system. In basic Terms im sure if it was 11:00 at night your body would have this immediat energy to preform any normal tasks in a usual day.

    My recommondation is to temporary reduce this energy to sleep. This can be done in many ways, all of which are very healthy for you xD..

    •Drinking a Hot glass of Milk and Honey. (creats a natural feel for sleep)

    •Have turky for dinner, turky has the tendency to make the user who eats it fall a sleep faster. Which explains why everyone is tired in thanksgiving lol.

    •Avoid watching Tv, or using the pc before going to bed. The light from the TV can cause some temporary irratence in your eyes. So falling asleep can be harder after viewing these lights, for your mind can still feel as if there is light being pointed on your eyes.

  4. This sounds like Insomnia. Maybe go see your GP? What I do when I can't sleep is try for 10 mins then read for 10 mins then try sleeping again and so on. Make sure there are no distractions like light or television. Good luck!

  5. If you have insomnia, or any other kind of disorder, only a doctor can tell. Other than that, try to refrain from sugar or chocolate after 6 a.m. Coffee also. Don't play lots of video game since it gives the brain more information to work with and that could damage your sleep. Relax beofre going to bed in any way you can, cool your room before bed.

    There could be other factors that only you know, so bring them into account, if there are any.

  6. nah...pills aren't the answer. you'll get dependent on them and soon won't be able to fall asleep without them. a body won't fall asleep until the mind is tired. and since you're really active, it's a bit surprising why you have trouble falling asleep. i had the same problem too. if you want then take a medicine that has drowsiness as a side effect. maybe something like "Benadryl" or "Night Tylenol". but take it for no more than two or three days. also try drinking a glass of warm milk right before getting into bed. warm it up for about two minutes in the microwave. it'll be hot, but it'll work....hopefully. avoid any caffeine including coffee/tea, soda, energy drinks. if you want, then go to a doctor. they know their job well.

  7. Try Relaxin. You can get it at  All of there products are 100% natural and organic, so no side effects and you can't get addicted.  This stuff works.

  8. If you watch TV before sleeping, that tiggers something in your brain that doesn't help you sleep. Try turning off all screens (computers, TVs) and listen to soothing music you like for an hour before bed. This should relax you enough to get to sleep.

  9. I also have a very hard time falling asleep. Some people use melatonin, a completely natural sleep aid. It didn't work for me, but maybe you'll have better luck? My problem is not being able to shut my mind off at night. Some tactics that may work are imagining a completely black space and not allowing any thoughts other than the blackness to accure to you. You can also mentally repeat "It's time to go to sleep", which I realize sounds dumb but does work (it could be you fall asleep from boredom, but whatever gets the job done).

    I find reading to be very useful...even if it doesn't help you fall asleep at least you're still being productive...

    Hope you're able to find a solution!

  10. Same I just get tempted and go on the computer until about 4 its crazy I know I'm just stuck! Btw I have a laptop on my bed side cabinet, temptation, temptation! Lol.  

  11. i have the same prob try thinking of good past moments or think of what you want to dream of or read a book and think about what happened in the book  

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