
Help? i cant understand y?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I'm new to yahoo answers and i just wanted to know y i get a certain amount of emails a day. i tried to send an email just then and it says i exceeded my limit however ihaven'tt sent any today?? Help..





    at each level you will have  certain limitations

    they are:--

    LEVEL 1:

    Points Range:1 - 249

    Ratings you can give per day:0

    Votes you can give per day:20

    Questions you can ask per day:5

    Answers you can give per day:20

    Comments you can make per day:10

  2. A day means 24 hours. If you did it yesterday night at 9pm, then you must wait till tonight 9pm.  

  3. With the leveling system on Yahoo answers: the higher level you are the more answers you can, well answer. I assume the limit of answers to lower level users prevents unwanted spam to any question or at least severely limits a person's spamming ability.

  4. go to help on yahoo. did you upgrade your yahoo? thats quite odd. i wish i could help you out. :(

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