
Help i dont know !?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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what causes fungus that looks furry or wooly cause im not sure and someone said my fish has fungus .. how is it caused ?!?!

P.S i live in a small town witho only two pet stores .. mother nature and animal world thats it ppl ♥




  1. A spotted wool look doesn't sounds like fungus to me. Most people discribe ich or fungus as looking like salt has been sprinkled on the fish. I think it's either Columnaris or fungus. Both produce a cottony or wool like appearance and it can be hard to tell them apart but it's important to because the treatments are so different.

    The best way to tell them apart is that columnaris always grows in a very round circular spot while fungus rarely does. Columnaris is also pearly or opalescent white while fungus is a flatter, grayish white.

    Columnaris: it can occur anywhere on the fishes body and there have been documented lab cases of it being a systemic, or body wide infection. It's not real easy to treat as it only responds well to a very limited number of antibiotics. The best treatment for columnaris is Furanace. It is the only known antibiotic that will treat both the surface and internal parts of the infection and the only one that will treat it if it becomes systemic. Other treatments are usually very harsh and include copper sulfate, potassium permanganate and Oxolinix acid. Treat with Furanace for 2 weeks to be sure you are rid of the disease. Columnaris will not respond well to a salt bath generally and it's not usually a recomended treatment.

    Fungus - Hopefully this is what you have and odds are good it is. Fungus is easy to treat and responds well to common Malachite green ick medications. There are several fungus medications that also contain Malachite Green and work very well. Treat until you have seen no signs of the disease for 5 days. Fungus will resond quite well to a 2% salt bath. Leave the fish for no more than 3 minutes but watch it carefully and remove it from the bath if it appears to be stressed.

    Warning: Malachite Green is a known carcinigen so be very careful to keep it off your skin!

    Hope this helps

  2. ur going to hav to either ask there or look it up on the internet

  3. It can be caused by a lot of things...stress....bad water conditions...etc. You need to buy a treatment for them, it won't go away on it's own...and it'll end up killing your fish. I use Melafix.

  4. It's been a long time since I have had fish, but it sounds like a fungus called "ick"...  They sell stuff in the pet store to treat the water...  Good luck.

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