
Help...i dont know what to do and what to think..girl issues!?

by  |  earlier

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i am 15 years old

i had my period since i was 11.

i always had cramps took like an advil or 2 so it could go away but it was pain that i could take but i still wanted it to go away

so today i went to the bathroom nd i got my period ..i felt like a lil pushin like above my v****a like lower stomach but wasnt painfull yet...i ate ( this took up like 30 min 40 maybe) so i went the kitchen to get something to drink..and felt soo dizzy nd i felt my face gettin pale so i start walkin to the bathroom nd i have a long hallway in my house so by the time i got to the bathroom i swayed to the wall and just dropped nd layed on the floor i wasnt like knocked out but it felt like hot nd cold flashes than i got hot and started sweating ..i was scared..than i layed down and my cramps were SO BAD i was yelln nd screamin like i was giving birth it felt like my stomach was being pushed down sooo bad .. is this normal?? mom scheduled an appt. to the doctor for a blood test..& im also wonderin does blood tests show like any drugs in you nd what not?




  1. I had that when I was 16 -17 I went to urgent care b/c my pains were unbearable and i had my period for 2 weeks I ended up having bilateral cysts on my ovaries and they say they were almost almond size which causes great deal of pain and when they rupture you will feel ex termly sick and run high fevers I am not a doctor and can not tell you what you have but it sounds like you have your self some cysts....welcome to woman hood!

  2. It's probably normal. Either way, you'll find out soon.

    I have had blood tests done regularly (for an ongoing medical condition) for the last two years, and so I know what the deal is. They take vials of blood, one for each test they are running (or set of tests). They'll only be testing for likely causes of whatever you are diagnosed with.

    Of course, if marijuana is a potential cause, or if your parents request that you are tested for marijuana, then you are in some major trouble.

  3. yea it shows jus about eveyrthing

  4. For me, it's normal. Sometimes I black out, scream, throw up [A LOT], break things (etc).

    You may want to consider birth control pills if the blood test shows nothing.

  5. you should have went to the emergency room, they could have given you some tylenol with codeine or some other med stronger than what you had

  6. Unless a drug test is specifically requested by your mom or Doctor, the Lab will NOT be testing for any kind of drug...Drug Tests must be specified.What your Doctor will be looking into is your over-all health through a urine screen,CBC and a Metabolic Panel (none of these screen for marijuana, unless requested) you more than likely had a little sunstroke and De-hydration, that is why you had dizziness and heavy cramping.~~P.S. Quit Smoking Marijuana

  7. do you do drugs?

  8. This is definitely not normal.

    You need to quit smoking weed! I know this is hard but do you really want to die? Get away from these friends and find some new ones. Switch schools if it will help. I know this is dramatic, but one person who stops smoking weed can make a BIG difference.

    Quit using tampons, they could be the cause of this.

    Go to the doctor appointment, tell him you've been using marijuana (yes, please tell him!!!) and explain exactly what else happened. They should be able to help you get off the weed and get over whatever you're sick from.

  9. have you done ...? I'm pregnant... I'm 15 also, so.. but you might have a UTI urinal tract infection

  10. Well from the way it sounds you do drugs of some sort and if they are illegal it was probably just withdrawal that had you hot and sweaty. Depending on when you did them and when the appointment is will determine whether or not they will show up.  

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