
Help i feel like c**p about myself?

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hey. im a 15 year old boy and i turn 16 august 25. but i wont grow up. im only 5'4 and all my friends, even one that i never would think get taller than me is taller than me. im the shortest person in my class, and its hard to get a girlfriend. i still look like a kid, i have big green eyes and black hair and freckles, i still look like im 12! h**l, most 12 and 13 year olds are taller than me! i hate it, and i feel like c**p. people keep calling me a cute boy and a nice kid, and even call me "super mario" cause i look like him. im tired of people thinking im cute! i want to be treated like a man, cause im almost 16! wat do i do, please help! and ive hit puberty when i was 12 and my doctor said i wont grow much more and am bassically my adult form, but i dont wanna be a kid forever!!!




  1. i have someone im my school that sounds like you......theres nothingthat you can really do about it, but just dont act like a little kid, act like a man and maybe people will stop calling you cute

  2. wow thats life there is really nothing you can do about how about trying to date the prettiest girl in your school

  3. There is really nothing I can say that won't have thgouht of already, except relax!  You rae just going to have to accept that this is the way you are.  Height is a bell curve, you are toward the lower end.  Please try and be okay with that!  Lots of ladies like a shorter man- they can reach him!  You will still be growing though, perhaps until as late as 21 so I wouldn't give up completely.  Adopt a more classic style of dress, bootcut trousers and clever stripes to make you look taller.  Don't grow long hair.  Do some work on your chest muscles will make you look a bit beefier (manly!).  I bet everyone tells you when you are a little older you'llll be glad you look young, and you don't take any notice, but trust me, you will.  I'm sorry you are having an uncomfortable time.  Peace.

  4. I'm sorry Son, but that's the hand that was dealt you,,,,your going to have to play it out !!!

    your stature may make you a small individual ,, but by having a big heart it will always make you feel proud !!!

    hang in there one day in about 3 years you will hit a growing spurt and surprise yourself

  5. I have a friend whos almost as tall as a sixth grader. He's in 11th grade now.

    You will boom. People just do it at different times.

  6. you shouldnt feel like c**p.

    Maybe your mother or your father is short. i had a friend that was short and it didnt really bother her.

    you will find the right girl. girls will come, even for you. and she will like you for who you are.

    They call you super mario? ignore it. those people arent worth the trouble.

    dont worry bout it, k?

  7. I can relate, when I was a teenager, I always looked alot younger than I was.  I wasn't particularly short, but I was skinny and most of my friends were more developed than I was, and my face looked very young.  While some of my friends were considered hot by guys, I was considered cute, which can get annoying.  You have to stop stressing about what you cannot change, and focus on what you can change.  If you want your body to appear more manly, you could try working out.  Just because you look like a kid, doesn't mean you have to act like one, if you start acting more grown up, people will start to see you as older.  5'4 isn't too bad, there will be lots of girls who are still shorter than you, and if you have a good personality you should still be able to have lots of girlfriends.  Confidence is attractive in people, so if you think about all the good things about yourself and consider yourself to be a good catch because of them, you will appear more confident, which will make more people like you.  As you get older you will appreciate the fact that you look young.  Try to appreciate what you have, trust me, there are plenty of people out there who would kill to be considered cute, and their only complaint was that they are a little short.

  8. Honestly, it is all in your genetics. If your dad and other males in your family are taller you just might grow more. Guys typically don't stop growing til they are 25 or 26, so you still have plenty of time hun. Don't stress over it too much, you are still very young and time and age will catch up to you in a few years i promise. My friend was the same way and over the course of a year 18-19 he totally changed, and looks much different now. So don't stress... you'll get there!

  9. The most you can do is to accept yourself for who you are and the package you come in. When you speak to people, do it with confidence and look them straight in the eye.  Most of all, girls are turned on by confidence. (not to be confused with stubborness or rudeness)

    Be laid back but outgoing. Be a big person, even if you are small.

  10. I've always looked younger than what I am nobody believes me when I tell them my age. Later in life that will be a blessing but now its not and thats understandable. You can't do anything about your height but you can try to work out and loose any "baby" fat you still have. Dress more mature and act it as well. Treat girls with respect and they'll see that you are a better catch then your immature tall friends. Everybody has something they hate about themselves and wish they could change. Even if your friends won't admit it there are things they would change if they could and I'm sure they admire something about you. A lot of tall women actually like short guys. You'll learn why when you're older ;)

    Focus on your strong points, are you funny, are you an artist? Make a girl laugh and she'll notice you or if youre sensitive artist type you can use that to your advantage to. Or join a sport if you want and work hard to be good at it. Even if sports aren't you're thing you can find an activity that you like, boxing, judo, hiking, biking...

    Just remember our society loves people that look young so when you are in you're 30s and look 20 you'll be loving life. Till then just focus on the things in life you can control and enjoy. :)

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