
Help i get nervous when I do public speaking in class?

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my hands shake and my voice get all shaky sometimes help, its weird cuz it only started last year when my hands shake any tips to help this




  1. do a lot of eye contact for more points but if looking at people makes you nervous concentrate on a desk or something close to people to make it look like your making eye contact. i always have this little notion that i always go first it makes it so there isn't as much anticipation and nervousness coming up to your speech but that you get it over with.

  2. Go first. I know this sounds hard, but there is less anticipation which helps a lot.

  3. Carol Burnett's grandmother told her to imagine everyone in the audience is sitting on the toilet.  It's pretty funny, and can help you relax.  I get the same way.  Somebody told me to USE that nervousness, sort of as energy for your speech/presentation.  It does kind of help.  Deep breaths help.  And the more you do it, the easier it gets.  Good luck!

  4. put your hands in your pockets and go first to get it over with....when someone stands in front of you and speaks u dont care much for it and u dont think of it as anything. thats exactly how they see you. they dont care if u mess up so dont worry about it. it happenes to everyone.

  5. well think about it. when someone else goes up there ur like oh what the heck i dont care if they mess up blah blah blah..

    so when u go up there everyone else is thinking the same thing.

    so if u mess up they dont care. and they prob dont even care what u say.

    and if u mess up act like nothing is wrong.

    and it helps if u look at a friend or maybe the teacher, cuz who cares what they think



  6. Go to a doctor and ask for a beta blocker like propranolol. It is not at uncommon for public speakers to take this drug before giving a speech. It lowers your blood pressure and heart rate which will help get rid of the nervousness without making you sedated and groggy like benzodiapines and barbiturates.

  7. I just imagine everyone else naked

  8. Gosh, I can relate.  I used to feel just like you. Not only did my hands shake but my head would get sort off a tick and jerk around, lol.

    The tip someone gave about going first is one that I did and it's true not only is there as much anticipation, but you get it over and done with.

    I also reminded myself that the people I was talking in front of were only people just like me...nothing better or worse. They go to the bathroom just like you etc.

    Deep breathing also really helps to relax you. practice it at home. Even Yoga helps. You'll get more focused, calmer and look and feel better too in the process.

    You could always just admit to everyone that you are really nervous and that you hate public speaking and to bare with you. That makes you appear human like everyone else. I bet a lot of people feel just like you.

    Then there's always imagining everyone naked trick. That made me feel less vulnerable.

    You sound like a really smart person so no worries there.

    Just think of it as acting...fake it till ya make it !

    Good luck !

  9. well the more you do it

    the less nervous youll

    get, so sometimes you just gotta chill

    and act like theres only one person

    listening. or like look at one of your

    friends and act like your actually talking

    to her/him and no one else is there

  10. clasp your hans in front of you , take deep breaths. and practice your speech in front of the mirror at home, also in front of the family or friends

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