
Help i got an M.I.P (minor in possesion) for alcohol ?

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i was wondering if a judge can let you off with out giving you the mandatory punishment because i got an m.i.p in hawaii for holding a beer in a club and states law is (SB706 SD2 HD2 CD1 (Act 203), which is also known as the “Use and Lose” Law, will suspend the driving privileges of any person under 21 who illegally purchases, possesses or consumes alcohol. The violator’s driver’s license will be suspended for at least 180 days. If the individual is not licensed to drive, a judge would have the discretion to postpone eligibility to obtain a license for 180 days or until the person turns 17. In addition, all violators will be required to perform 75 hours of community service and undergo eight to 12 hours of alcohol education and counseling.) is this the punishment i m for sure going to receive.

by the way idk if it makes a difference but i turn 21 in 6 months and this is my first offense ever i have never even had a speeding ticket.

let me if can get out of this thanks




  1. A Judge could ALWAYS dismiss the charges. If the charges go through they have to at least give you the minimum. Better be really respectful in Court and try to explain you were just holding it when he asks your side, better be real convincing that you didn't buy or drink it. I was once caught smoking underage and got off because I had to go in front of a Magistrate and he dismissed it, with the warning that if I was caught again then I'd be paying for both times. Difference is a Magistrate doesn't have an audience and a Court will. So if you have to see a Judge you aren't likely to get off.

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