
Help . i got ripped off on E-bay?

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i was looking for a video i-pod on E-bay last night.

and found one in a police & liquidadition auction .

no postage & packageing 12.99 up to 90% off liquidation stock.

so i bought it.

i made a point of printing out a copy of the item on the screen,as well as printing out a recipte.

the seller was only running from 12 pm till 19:30 pm as then the sell closes.

at about 1am, i recived an e-mail saying i had purchesed an e-book.

the seller said that all i had to do was down load it.

i realised i had been had.

i have contacted the police & made a complaint.

they will look into it, when ever.

how do i contact E-Bay to conplaine & pay pal ?

the advert in E-bay reads like this.

Police auction 80GB ipod video @ 90% rrp Ebook

sale price 12.99

quantity 1

subtotal 12.99 {picture of i pod}

postage o.oo




  1. Both have complaint "Help" options but ebay will just send you to PayPal

    to fIle

    The process is simple and I have used it many times and got my Money back in each instance

  2. i would express an opinion but i have not yet kissed a human girl.............

  3. Have you tried to contact the seller to appeal to their better nature?  

    It did say Ebook in the description, so I don't think you've got many rights to be honest.  It does however seem a bit naughty that they're using the Police in the title.

  4. It clearly states on the sellers page 'ebook' so it is not false advertsing, you can report the seller to ebay, but I seriously doubt that you will get any joy.

    Put it down to experience and remember in future to read very carefully what you're buying.

  5. We got ripped off $3040 and ebay did nothing.

    Neither did the detectives or Fair Trading.

    Biggest loop holes ever.

  6. you bought an ebook, read before u buy.

    stop waisting police time by reporting ur own stupidity

  7. I don't know how you would report it, but there must be a contact us section at both e-bay and pay pal.  The thing is, yes, you have been had, but technically speaking, the seller has not committed a crime, as in the advert it states, very unclearly, that the e-book sale price is £12.99, even though it is misleading and suggests that you are getting a video i-pod.  I think you will find he has covered his butt on this one.  The thing which may be illegal is the bit about the Police Auction.  In any case, you should continue with your complaint, and if you can, get a crime reference number from the Police, you may well get your money back via Pay Pal.  I am sorry you got caught this way.  Personally I stay clear of e-bay as I know far too many people who have been scammed, and I can't afford to take the chance, saying that, I know a lot of people who are genuine and who sell on e-bay and others who buy without problems.  Generally, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is, so really scrutinise the adds and if you are in any doubt, do not buy it, however much you want the product.  A genuine seller has nothing to hide and genuinely wants to sell an item, so their adds and descriptions should be clear, informative and concise, rather than sketchy and misleading.  I hope you do get your money back, and I hope people reading this are alerted to the scum to scam people like this.  Good luck.

  8. hi there you can get the money back all you have to do is your eBay there is items Ive won then by the item its says feedback if you click on it there will be alist on how to list an item not received you can then tell paypal about it and get your money back.

    click on help on eBay home page and send them an email.

    hope this helps.

  9. there is nothing you can do

    unfortunatly the key word is after the rrp bit where it says EBOOK!

    you wont be able to claim your money back , its a shame

    you have to read everything so carefully because otherwise you can get ripped off.

    i doubt this will be taken further as it does say ebook in the title. sorry. i doubt you will even be able to get your money back

    sorry xxxx

  10. It plainly says -E-book in the advert.

    If you feel mislead write to your local chief constable, if its the genuine police site you may be able to get your complaint heard.

    If it's not genuine they should follow it up as it is fraudulent practice.

    Contact both e-bay and pay-pal they do not want their members ripped off.

    Good Luck

  11. tuff luck you shouldn't use e-bay

  12. I believe you have not read the details in full.

    Their are a few things you can do and lodge a complaint with eBay if you have paid for the item.

    Contact the buyer and explain that you are not happy with his listing and would like a full refund.

    If you have not paid, then do pay for it but e-mail seller explaining your reasons.

    You could, when you receive the item, return it immediatley and ask for a refund.

    If not go to eBay help desk, complaints and file an official complaint and demand action.

  13. You need to contact the Ebay Dispute Centre, there should be link on the Ebay home page.

    I was ripped off on Ebay too, the Dispute Centre may be able to get some of your money back and they will get rid of the sller from the site.

    I NEVER buy anything on Ebay anymore, its full of chancers.

  14. Hmmm......I see what your saying, although its states that its an E Book you say there was a 'Picture' of an I Pod??

    I can see how that would be misleading.....Shame on them, they have obviously tried tricking someone into buying it and it was you unfortunetly (unfortunate for anyone)

    Go to the HELP section on Ebay & then go to 'reporting & Tracking Disputes' Maybe you can get help there!

    All the Best!

  15. you must be a bad apple to the rich if your rich as you brag about. money is the root of all evil. sometimes i know fer a fact po folks are smarter then the rich, read your bible about the 3 wise men that should teach ya to leave well enuff alone. no use crying over spilt milk. flattery will get you everywhere. are you a cry wolf outfit'' grow up leave that junk alone as j. cash sings Ebay is like nasty Dan if ya herd dat song''

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