
Help i hate this and just wish i could move.

by  |  earlier

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well my i have these friends that ive known forever but latley they only talk to me when they want something from me like money or something from my room so i just choose to ignore them. at homewhen i talk to to mom its as if nothing matters, she has no sympathy to anything. she will drop anything to hang out with her friends or tlak to them but when im talking to her and her friends show up she says im being disrespectful by bothering adults. my dad thinks he deserves more than everyone just cause he can. he's lazy and always tell me to do stuff for him but when i ask he says no. so my brother can do whatever he wants and i have to stay home doing nothing. well i hate calling my dad dad, i wish i could jjust get a job and move out. what hould i do? latley i have been anti social cause im sick of everyone i know!




  1. new friends? that's all i can think of. Answer mine, please?;...

  2. well, i'm having the same issues too.  my mom drops everything for her best friend and doesn't have any time for me, and when she is around she's as lazy as h**l.  my dad is the one who feeds my little sister and i dinner, and he's the one who takes us to the places we need to go.  and as for my little sister, she gets away with everything and anything and i'm the one always getting yelled at.  i suggest you get new friends or at least try and talk to your mom about how it makes you feel.

    good luck...

  3. They are not your friends,  They are using you.  So open your eyes.  Get new ones.  Be nice to everyone and smile.  Make them wonder why you are smiling.  It attracts people.  Maybe get your brother to talk to them and tell them you feel they dont lidten to you and you have discussed it with him.  Write your mom a letter and tell her to read it when she has some free time that you dont want to be disresoectful but you need help.  As far as dad goes.  Mine is the same way for 45 yrs.  I just ignore his ways.  But I cherish my mom.

  4. They are not genuine friends at all - they are users - not to worry - what goes around comes around - make some new friends and dump the old ones...

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