
Help i hav fleas in the house!!!!?

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i hav 2 gerbils a parekeet dog and a guinea pig. i think the fleas came from my dog got on me then the rest of the house...also mosquitos r gettn in some how 2. does anyone no wat i can giv my pets 2 get rid of their fleas,something to put on the carpet r furnature 2 get rid of fleas,and something that wont harm my pets that gets rid of mosquitos




  1. I will address the mosquito problem first, the only way you can kill most flying insects is to fog with something, usually a bomb from your local hardware store or do it yourself store will do the trick. Mosquito's usually will light on you and take a bite (actually pierce your skin and suck the blood), best to get the animals out of the house before you fog.

    Here is an answer I gave to someone else on yahoo the other day about fleas.

    Fleas are a common problem, they can enter the house on pets or humans. Here are some things to remember.

    1.Wash and treat pets the same time you treat home.

    2.Vacuum before you set any bombs off. make sure you take the bag out of vacuum cleaner and place in plastic bag, dispose to garbage.

    3.Check with local hardware or the nearest do it yourself store for the proper types of bombs or total release foggers. Always follow the label.

    4.One of the most important things is follow up, if you don't do the follow up you will probably not be successful.

    Above is a few of the procedures to follow.

    I am a certified in general house hold pest control.

    Go here for more detailed information there are some very good articles on flea control:

  2. OMG, I own a carpet business & I went through this a couple of yrs ago.

    The problem with fleas is they multiply so fast. They feed off of blood deposits in the carpet & can lay dormant for mo's.

    They are attracted by vibration. I tried everything, bombs, home depot spray. I finally went to an exterminator & got this stuff called Conquer. You put it in a spray bottle & spray the entire floor, bed & furniture.

    Well worth the investment. Trust me I lived in agony for mo's.

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