
Help i have a fox cohabiting in the garden.?

by  |  earlier

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and im due to have some hens,not a good combination. i dont want to have the fox destroyed just want it to move out.




  1. dont tell the social...they will stop your giro

  2. Even if you have the fox removed,another will take it's territory.One thing is certain that all your chicken will be killed.They are superb hunters and chickens can't protect themselves.If you lock them up at night,the chickens will have to go through the terror of foxes rattling their cage each night.If your selfish you will pretend it will be alright,but it is downright cruel to get chickens in your environment.Death awaits them

  3. you have a problem don't you (lol) --- i live in north queensland in australia --- and the way i get rid of toads ; snakes ; and other species that arev not welcome in my back yard --- is to make up a spray bottle with disinfectant and water ( 5 to 1 ) usually  deters any unwelcome guests .

    good luck .

  4. Just ring animal welfare, borrow humane trap, trap fox, release in wild. Job done.

  5. well shoot it, or spear it with your broom

  6. If you are 'having' hens you need to put them in a secure area---dogs will also kill chickens.  If you run off your humping fox another may just appear.  Keep food out of the area and the fox will probably go away--cat, dog, grain for birds etc.  

  7. who is it cohabiting with? If another fox, there could be loads of them in no time at all.  

  8. Cohabiting fox? Meh, don't approve of unmarried foxes living in sin.

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