
Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a friend who takes 30 min in the shower i know this cuz i call him d

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i have a friend who takes 30 min in the shower i know this cuz i call him d be like lets do somthin and he would be like yah but gotta shower he says he goes in the shower for 30 min

anyway wht does this mean like wat does he do does he m********e in the shower BTW we r 19




  1. awwm i just think he doesnt want to do anything with u and thats his excuse lOl

  2. Dude what issues do you have? He is doing what he is doing and if he wanted you to know he would tell you. Its sounds like you are jealous. You are spilling unnecessary information. Get a life.

  3. Yeah you're about 11 or something. And your just saying what you do with your friend instead of you. You do it, everyone does it.

  4. No, this does not necessarily mean that he's masturbating. He could just be enjoying the warmth of the water and taking a while to wash. This isn't a long time really, for many people take longer showers than this. If it really concerns you, talk to him about it. Hope this helps.

  5. hahahaha i kno i take a long showers 2! but i like the water beaming on the back of my neck and back b/c it feels good, and also i do alot of my thinking in the shower, its like havin my own me time and i take advantage of it wenever i can! he prolly do m********e in the shower, cuz he feels like thats his time and yea......

  6. join him in the shower and find out his "activities"!

  7. man who gives a sh1* about your friend mind ure own business

  8. If your actually 19..then why are you even asking this question..more like your 10

  9. yeah, probably. a lot of guys do. either that or he likes to stand in hot water. i do, it feels good :)

  10. he probly is masturbating.  Thts probly the only time he has a chance to do it

  11. On a workday, I take a very short shower.  On my days off, I may be in there 30-45 minutes.  I love being in the shower.  I would sleep in the shower if I wasn't afraid of drowning.  

    You're right, you do need help.  You shouldn't wiorry about your friend's showering habits.

  12. Some guys like long showers. One of my really close guy friends could be in the shower all day. If you're 19 then you need to grow up. You sound like you're 10.

    Answer mine

  13. i agree with diesel mind your own business and be happy your friend doesn't stink.  

  14. i honestly think that being in the shower for 30 minutes isn't too bad, and he probably does m********e in the shower, most guys do.. but maybe he's just washing himself.. if he showers for over 30 minutes then it can be considered weird.

  15. he may just take long showers, or may be jacking, or may be using the time for manual f******n restoration by stretching, or may turn on the shower while taking a c**p first, people are weird who knows?

  16. He obviously doesn't care about how high the water bill is. Surely he's just taking his time, who cares what he's doing in there, you're not his mom.

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