
Help! i have an audition in 4 days and i need to know how to play all the music scales on marimba, Any advice?

by  |  earlier

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I need to know the music scales for marimba (or any other bell instrument) for an audition in 4 days. I need to know all of them at least 4 notes through.. but the problem is... i've never had a need to learn to them.. until now.. If I don't play them at least half way decently then i wont be able to get the tuition waver for being in band so i wont be able to go to college. (my family is tight on money because my younger sister just got pregnant and she will be having her baby in june, and she doesnt have a job and my mom is a single parent.. so needless to say i really need this... )

i've looked all over the internet and cant seem to find anything useful and when i do find things i dont understand them...

I'm so lost...

Someone PLEASE help me!




  1. I'm afraid aneurodo... is correct. 4 days is simply not enough time, nor would any band instructor expect you to know ALL the scales off the top of your head. I'm so sorry. It sounds like you really need this. Perhaps you can talk to the instructor and get an extension some how. Anyway, it's worth a shot.

    You can try this site to see if it helps at all, but you should really be "taught" scales, not try to figure them out on your own.


  2. Postpone the audition and hire a tutor fast. Should not let these things sneak up on you like that. How long have you known that you would have to audition? You may well be asked to sight-read a piece of music as well. If you really cannot play the thing, you are not going to in 4 days.

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