
Help i have no one to talk to!!! ?

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welll today me and my bff went to the movies my brother came to pick me up about 10 minutes before her dad came. but the point is her phone died and she was scared she sat on the bench next to 3 guys that were high and now her parents wont let me hang out with her becouse i reallly had to go. my mom was waiting for me at home for some personal reasons. and idk waht to do!!! shes my bestest friend is the whole wide univeres!!!! what should i do!?!?! please help!!! i have no one to talk to now that were apart




  1. maybe talk to some other friends.  In all honesty, you could have lent her your phone and maybe given her a ride to some safe place where her parents trust her.  Ten minutes, you could have explained the situation to your mum.  I'm sure she'd understand being a parent too.

  2. Well thats kinda dumb.

    Nothin happened to her righht? So why didnt she move oveer to another bench or something?

    And its not your vault that your mom needed you home rightt away..

    Her parents are being a lil dumb in my opinion.

    I would be pissed if my parents didnt let me talk or hang out wit my friend anymore.

    Why dont you just call her and talk to her about it?

  3. Well iv never had a bestfriend so i really dont get the whole world ending part..but i wish i did. iv wanted a bestfriend like forever but it seems like everyone already has one and they cant have anymore. but why wont ur parents let you hang out with her? it cant be because she sat next to 3 high guys thats just wrong. Doesnt she have a computer? you could chat on aim or myspace or through email, Anything to talk to her and figure out what you two should do. but if you need to talk more im here =] email me if you need someone.

  4. You don't let alone ANYONE in the street with a bunch of high people. She could be dead by now..her parents trusted you are together..look after each other..You left her knowing she is  scared to didn't care..neither your brother..

    You are a useless friend..of course her parents won't let her keep in touch with you.. who would?

    You cannot put yourself in anyone's position..go back to the kindergarten..take your brother with you..maybe your mother too..

  5. thats not my fult sorry  

  6. your brother should have toke her home!!

    and what are you asking?

    and just tell her parent s your sorry and tell them why you couldnt have waited..or take her home!!

  7. Talk this over with her and her parents

    Try to tell them that you had to leave urgently, and you could not, repeat, could not possibly wait any longer. And that you are really sorry for what happened, but it is not, not, your fault.

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