
Help i have question on babysitting!!!??

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i babysit about 3-4 times a week

some weekdays and weekends

i baby sit a little girl easy to watch no prob

but her mom is low on money and barley gets around to pay me. so far this whole summer i only got paid around 150. and i dont want to quit because she is really good friends with my mother and i see her a lot cus she comes over

what do i do




  1. Your time and effort is not free. You are not doing this pro bono. If she cannot afford to pay you, then tell her that. She can either find someone else, pay you, or stop needing a sitter. Good luck

  2. say you are really busy with school

  3. well its your job do what you think is right. if she cant afford it then maybe lower your rates but if shes mot paying u then u need 2 quit cause your doin a lot of work

  4. Write it down on paper

    Dates, hours worked, your rate and what you think she owes you. Show it to your mother and ask her for her in collecting this dept that is owed to you. This is a job for not a hobby you should be getting paid. If you where working for McDonald's would you let them get away with out paying you. No this woman needs to pay up. Trust me if you weren't babysitting for her she would be paying someone else to. It time to stand up for your self.

  5. Welcome to the Working World. Here is the deal, the "mom" is taking advantage of you and unless you stand up for yourself she is going to continue to use you. This woman has to have a babysitter, and trust me, if she hires someone else she will have to pay them. Have a talk with her and tell her you were hired to do a job, that you were promised to be paid for doing the job, and that if she fails to pay you the full amount each week then you will have no choice but to quit and find someone who is willing to pay you. It is nice of you to feel compassionate about the mom being low on money, but being compassionate does not pay your Bills. If you feel uncomfortable confronting her about the money, perhaps your mother could help you out.

  6. It sounds to me like this woman and her child are lucky to have your help.  But your concern about being paid consistently is fair.  Since this woman is your mom's friend, why not ask your mom if she could approach this lady about paying you fairly?  

    It is hard to stand up to adults when you are a young person.  They can kind of intimidate you.

    If you don't think your mom can help you with this, you could write this woman a note.  It is easier to be firm in writing.  Tell her how you feel, that you enjoy caring for her child, but really need the money for school clothes and supplies.  Remind her that if you were not committed to sit for her child, you would be free to sit for someone who could pay regularly.  

    I don't know if you are sitting so this mom can go to work, or so she can play.  If for work, it's a bit easier to understand.  If you sit so she can go out and shop, dance, go to movies or out w/friends, this is definitely something you should not feel obligated to do for free.

    I babysat a whole lot when I was young and sometimes worked hard for very little money.  I still resent doing so much babysitting and missing out on many fun activities.  But, only you can decide whether you are getting what YOU need out of this arrangement.  Please understand that, at your age, a little working is fine, as you like it and need to, but having fun is very important too.  

    Don't be afraid to speak your mind when you need to.  You have the right!

    Good luck, and be proud that you are a responsible young lady, who is a good help to others.

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