
Help i just found a nest of baby cockatiels?

by  |  earlier

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what should i do?




  1. If they have no parents, I would suggest taking them to a sanctuary or some place that will eventually release them back into the wild where birds belong. Whatever you do don't let them end up in cages.

  2. Are you certain these chicks are Cockatiels??

    Watch for the parents to come to the nest, chances are good they do  - - and if they do then do nothing and stay away

    so they will care for and feed the babies. Then fledge them, then teach them to forage.

    Bother the nest and the parents may leave.

    Cockatiels have been bred for so long in captivity that they may not have the instints for survial that bigger birds retain.

    I am not sure about that.

    If not, and Only if the parents left them..for certain, would I call a local cockatiel breeder or bird store ( NOT Pet Store) and ask if they would take them and feed them.

    Only if you are experienced at hand feeding baby birds around the clock until they are weaned would I consider that you take them from the nest and raise them.

    Check local newspaper Lost ad's too for owner of the parent pair.

  3. It depends on where you found the nest of them.  Are they "in the wild" or in some place where someone could have been breeding them or where they were accidentally discarded?  God Bless you.

  4. you can give them to the bird suppliers or pets spots

  5. woa!? where did you find thoes?! i want some haha just kidding. but you should go to the petstore and buy "exact hand feeding formula by kaytee" and read the directions on the back how to feed them. it will tell you. and write back to me i want to know how they are doing :]

  6. watch and make sure they dont have parents... which if you didnt see any around then they probably dont. this is tricky b/c you want to make sure they ar orphans but you also need to act quickly b/c baby cockatiels are to be fed every 3 hours. what ever you do do not take this on yourself! if you have no expierience this is a very very difficult and painful (if it ends in failure) task. You should find a sanctuary or a vet if nothing else. do not just hand them over to anyone! they are very delicate! good luck!


  8. Leave them alone.  The parents were probably looking for food to feed them

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