
Help i lostt my lock?

by Guest57869  |  earlier

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hey...i put a lock on one of my basement doors it is a task force lock which needs a key to open it,after a buyrgulary that happened in my home i wanted to be protected and i have no idea were that key is, and i know that can be a fire hazard i have 2 kids so im getting really worried. does anyone have any ideas on how to break it open...please help!




  1. Bolt cutters!

  2. Sledge Hammer

  3. Drill it, cut it, punch in do whatever it takes but dont use a torch.

  4. We need to know what kind of lock. Is it a hinge hasp lock? That's the type in two parts, on one the door frame and the other on the door and you put a padlock on it.

    If it's that type then you should be able to unbolt from the door from the inside, open the hasp and unscrew it from the frame.

    Or is it a deadbolt that needs keys inside or out?

    You should be able to get at the screws from the inside of the door, take the screws out and remove the lock.

    If all else fail drill out the part were your keys goes.


    This is a standard door right? Can you get to the back of the door? If not pull the hinge pins out and that should let take the door off and then remove the lock.

    If you can get to the back of the door you should be able to remove the screws.
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