
Help i may be infected with the antispyware virus?

by  |  earlier

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I was on myspace viewing a friends page when all of a sudden i got redirected to Well being smart enough not to fall the scam message i opened up my task manger and shut down my web browser firefox right away. Do you think i avoided it? At the moment i am running a virus scan so i do not know the results yet. Also i have the free version of Rogue Remover but it has not had any updates in a long time so i believe that program is as good as dead.




  1. Yes you did the right thing, but from now own you need to keep your antivirus program updated as this is very important to protect your computer. This program that you mention here is a form of spyware/malware and it is importasnt that you have a good spyware program installed on your computer and since you mention a few programs I know one that is much better, as a matter of fact it is one of the best Free spyware programs out todate, so give it a try ok. ( Just click on the link and install the free version and run a scan as soon as possible. This spyware program is not like the one that you mention here as it will not re-direct you anywhere, you have to watch the pop-ups as most time it is a milicious program (spyware, malware,etc.)  The program that I gave you a link is always recomender by others here in this site and is highly recomender by me (from experience ) So give it a try as I am sure that you will be happy that you did. Good Luck

  2. Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, Removes Antivirus Rogue Program infections easily:

    Download, install, update and select Quick Scan.

    Remove all infections that it finds after scan.

    A virus scan will NOT remove Antivirus infections such as antispyware, malwarebytes will.


    As Malwarebytes came through clean I would say that you pull the plug before getting infected, and your AV has found nothing.  If you were infected you would know it!

  3. you did the right thing. but just to be sure go to trend micro's online free scanner called housecall. its one of the best out there. do a complete scan of ur computer.  

  4. You should be safe as you shut it down the correct way, as long as you have a good firewall and anti-virus you should be fine.

    Safe Surfing Tips:

    Browse with

    Firefox 3:

    Install strong firewall:

    Comodo Pro (free)

    Install anti-virus software:

    Avast Home Edition (free)

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