
Help!!! (i need help about my girlfriend)?

by  |  earlier

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my girlfriend doesnt want to kiss or make out intill the 5th month and she only wants to hug and hold hands and put are arms around each other in all my other relationships i kissed them in the first month and made out with her in the second month and she is moving way to slow for me should i dump her????




  1. aww.

    you guys are just lil kids huh. =]

    i dont think you should dump her, that would be wrong, and she would think that you didnt care about her.

    yeah, shes moving extremely slow, but you shouldnt leave her because of it.

    just wait, it'll be worth it. =]

  2. You haven't said how old you are and how old she it.   It makes a difference if you are both 26 vs. if you are both 12.

    If you want to move much faster than she does,  it seems pretty likely that one of you will be uncomfortable if not both of you.   That's not a really good basis for a relationship.   Presumably there is a reason why you have stayed with her for 5 months.   Do you really like her,  enjoy being with her, etc.  or is it just a challenge?   If you really like her,  then talk with her about it.   If it's just a challenge so you maintain a record of having every girl you date kiss you,  make out,  etc.  then it probably time to have a change.  

  3. well if you really like this girl then you wait to do anything. and DO NOT pressure her to do anything she doesnt wanna do.

  4. OMG mabey she's just not ready to do that kinda stuff i mean every girl is diffrent just cuz she won't make out with you dosn't mean she dosn't love u and don't put pressure on her she will think your a *** and dump you trust me i am a girl  

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