
Help i need to know fast

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend only went in me once i mean in one time and pulled out quick and now my period hasnt arrived yet its been 2 days without my period but my b*****s have been hurting before my due date does that mean im prego.




  1. Takes one time to get pregnant. All you need is one sperm to fertilize one egg. Chances are not that great, but if you are late, and you had s*x with him around 2 weeks ago, you should go and get a home pregnancy tests. They run about 8 dollars.  

  2. You could be. If it wasn't protected then some pre-ejaculate could have gotten in there which can make you pregnant. If I were you I would take a test to be sure, go get checked for std's because you don't know what he had, and if you didn't use protection-start. If you are pregnant you just have to deal with the consequences. Best of luck to you.

  3. right now your stressing which could prolong you from getting your period. Also was it unprotected? But if he didn't pull out quickly when he ejacutated and was unprotected you could be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test.

  4. you may want to buy a pregnancy test. just to make sure, but wait a week or so to see if yout period doesnt come. if it doesnt, then you may wanrt to go to the doctor or get a test.

  5. Ohh, hun. Im afraid to say you might be. Did he c-u-m in you? && how old are youu?

  6. precum like 7 times more potent than reugular *** so u may be prego just get atest

  7. Yes, but you need to take a test. You won't know only on the 2nd day, try waiting a week or maybe two. Or, just go to a doctor because yes, there's a chance you could be

  8. When did your boyfriend "go in you" if it was around 2 1/2 weeks before you were suppose to start your period, then yes, maybe you did get prego.  If this just happened right before your period probably not.  HOpe that helps.

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