
Help ..i never get along with my mom?

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i hate mom she is so controlling she think she is always right and she is not. she bugs ever one in the house and she never leaves me alone. i am 16 years old and she never gives me any freedom. she treats me like a little kid she still shops with me. my mom does not even want me to have a boyfriend because she is afraid that i will get pregnant i am not going to have s*x with him. i don't even thinks she trust me. she does nt even let my bf give me gifts because she think he is going to use me. i been with my bf for 11 and a half months now. i don't even want to live in my house any more. my mom does not even work and she always say she is going to get a job and she does not




  1. why are you still living at home if it is so bad ?....are you locked in and can't get out ?  

  2. she's doing what she thinks she should do right now,help her out a little their is no book that tells us how to raise emotionally unstable teenagers were all trying our best! try to communicate more with her,tell her you would like a chance to show her your responsible and can go out and respect her rules little by little she will start to give you some freedom,be patient good luck!

  3. no offense but it sounds like ur screwed.... just kidding well it sounds like she's being very controling so, try to do what she says and gain her trust if she doesnt go for that then try to tell her that you need your own space  

  4. I don't really have that problem, but I do have a similar one, with my grandma. I suggest you ask your mom for more freedom and show her you're not a kid. Sometimes moms just don't want their kids to grow up and they don't understand when they do.

  5. your mum is just being a mum, she loves you and wants to protect you whats wrong with that?

    but i do she is being a little over protective with the exchanging gifts etc... nothing wrong with receiving a gift.

    have a chat to her, show her your a mature adult, and to let you grow up a little, gain her trust.

  6. that's your mother, and she's not going to do anything to hurt you or see anyone else hurt you. She just don't what you to make a simply mistake that can cost you years of regret. If you feel you can put up with her anymore move out, get a job, and support your self!

  7. IM sixteen also and I never get along with my mom for some strange reason.I do good in school and I never really ask for much.I guess sometimes parents and children dont really click.

  8. You should be glad you still have a mom to go shopping with, and set rules for you. You're ONlY 16, and have barely begun to live yet. Boyfriends will be a dime a dozen, but Mom's are to be cherished. You're just at a bad age right now, and It's normal to feel this way.When you grow up, you'll know what I mean. Hang in there. Your Mom does love you in spite of what you think. She's doing her job!

  9. Um, er... I'm hoping that you wrote all of the above quickly because otherwise my advice to you is to pay attention in class and study harder this year.  :-(   As for your mom, well... she's your mom.  If you were in her shoes (and you will be someday), you'd have a better understanding about how she's trying to protect you.  True some mom's are a bit more controlling than others - but if my 16 year-old daughter had a boyfriend, I'd be on her case all the time (becaue you're too young for all that relationship drama).  Anyway... plan your future wisely.

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