
Help! i picked the topic of bullying for my thesis class.?

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i have to create a descriptive study for my research class, what kind of study would be good to do with bullying? it's for my education class.




  1. I would first make sure that whatever study you do isn't redundant.  If you find a good study, you can try and replicate it, but you'll need to take a step further, you know what I mean?

    My first thought is to design a survey, perhaps taking data on the ages of bullying victims, and place of bullying (classroom, playground, lunchroom, bus, etc).  See if you can find a trend in when bullying begins, and where it is most likely to happen.  At that point, you can suggest appropriate interventions at that grade level.  

    Another thought is to examine the effects of bullying.  Perhaps collect data from positive students (students that respond to survey to having been bullied), and examine the academic performance of those students.  Is there a correlation between bullying and absenteeism?  Bullying and lower grades?  

    Third thought - defining bullying.  What do students believe is bullying?  What behaviors, actions, or attitudes demonstrate bullying?  Conduct a survey, collect data, dispel myths.

  2. I agree with Jateef.  Two other things you might wish to read are juvenile fiction novels by Jerry Spinelli.  The first book WRINGER deals specifically with bullying and the second book MANIAC MAGEE deals with it on a little more subtler tone.

  3. Firstly 1)Definition

    Bullying is the act of intentionally causing harm to others, through verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods of coercion such as manipulation

    2)Talk about the effects of bullying on the victim.

    victims of bullying can suffer from long term emotional and behavioral problems. Bullying can cause loneliness, depression, anxiety, lead to low self-esteem and increased susceptibility to illness

    3)Talk about the Characteristics of bullies

    4)the different types of bullying:

    Discuss the Types of bullying

    1 School bullying

    2 Workplace bullying

    3 Cyberbullying

    .4 Political bullying

    5 Military bullying

    6 Hazing

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