
Help i really want to help my sister about her hamster.

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help my sisters hamster has wettail and ineed some helpful tips.




  1. clean the cage out thoroughly with ammonia and water and the hamster should be fine

  2. I just had a syrian hamster with wet tail last week and I am so relieved that he is getting better now though he is still weak and lethargic.

    It is vital that veterinary treatment is sought immediately if a hamster shows symptoms of Wet Tail. Do not rely on over-the-counter products such as Dri-Tail to treat Wet Tail as these are often not effective against severe cases of Wet Tail. The vet will prescribe antibiotics like Baytril or Albon which are effective in curing the infection.

    Hamsters suffering from Wet Tail often die from dehydration rather than from Wet Tail itself, or they simply refuse to eat or drink. So you have to feed them Pedialyte with a spoon every two hours and if they refuse to drink, forcefeed them with a syringe (make sure you put only one drop at a time in the hamster mouth, otherwise it can choke)

    Veterinary treatment will consist of a course of antibiotics, anti-diarrhoeal medication and help with rehydration.

    The hamster should be kept warm and quiet whilst undergoing treatment and be disturbed as little as possible.

    Wet Tail is contagious to other hamsters and so any hamster suffering from Wet Tail should be isolated from other hamsters.

    It is also a good idea to wash your hands thoroughly after handling a hamster suffering from Wet Tail, to avoid passing the infection back to the hamster worsening its condition and certainly before handling other hamsters (this is best kept to a minimum).

    It is a good idea to remove droppings from the cage at intervals and disinfect the cage with a disinfectant designed for small animal cages when cleaning the cage. Although it is important to keep stress to a minimum it may help to clean the cage of a hamster suffering from Wet Tail every 2 or 3 days.

    All the best and I hope your hamster gets well soon.

  3. go to the pet store and get dri-tail its medicine for wettail

  4. Honestly, I'm not sure if there's a cure for wet tail, but here are some bits of advice: Try to keep it's cage very clean at all times, although wet tail sets in very fast,& as it gets more serious, the hamster will grow very listless & weak.  Try and get it to a small animal vet ASAP, and they might have a medication. Wet tail is very serious and is almost always fatal. The hamster will probably die in about a week if not taken care of. If your sister is younger than you, just try and get a replacement hamster that looks just like it, so your sister doesn't have to go through the pain. Good luck.

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