
Help! i want to get contacts but i always blink like crazy when my finger or any other object get close to my

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eye. I know its a natural defense to blink/eyelid close when something gets near it. Any tips on how to calm down and touch the center of my eye? Manipulative or any trick techniques?




  1. you only think that i was the same and i now wear contacts

  2. you just need to relax, hold your eye open, and practice. You're first time, they (the people at the optometrist)  will help you. YOu'll get used to it eventually. It took my dad like two hours every morning at first. But I got the hang of it faster. Everybody is different. Just keep trying and don't give up!!!!

    Good Luck!!

  3. You know what?  You get used to it.  You are right - it is a natural reflex to blink when something gets near your eye, but when you get contacts, you get used to putting your finger near your eye.  And in the beginning, I used my fingers on one of my hands to hold open my eye so I could get my contact in.  Nothing hurts or anything like that.  You will catch on.  It is easy.  Don't worry about it.  If you want them, go for it.  

    Good luck

  4. i swear i had the exact same problem. spent like 3 hours. but there are other ways. i usually put my head down kind of and look up facing a mirror, that way when you try to put the contact in you have a bit of space so it's half on the white and half on the colored part. if u try to go straight on, itz like dun dun, dun dun my finger is like so coming towards my eye and im finna blink. over time it's going to be even easier to do that. the sensation for a contact is different than like placing your finger on you're eye. just imagine someting a little bit cold like a cold drop of water. also, i hold my breath to calm myself when i put it in. u think it's going to hurt but it really doesn't like at all unless there's something in your contact or whateva but when itz on u barely feel them.

  5. before you put your contacts in try putting your finger close to your eye. that way you have practice before you actually try it. and when you are putting your contacts in look the other way.

    try this website:

  6. pratice makes perfect if you can put mascara and eye liner on no problem  

  7. Before you can put a lens in you must control your lids.

    This is done with the fingers.

  8. I had that problem at first, but instead of looking at the contact, I look toward my nose, so that way I don't blink. Maybe it'll work for you.

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