
Help? i will choose best answer! helphelp?

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My parents have home-schooled me since forever, ive never gone to a public school before. Im thinking about going to one in 11th grade, (this year coming). But because of the online schooling system i am a year ahead of my own year, where would i be placed in a public school?

and does anyone goto (online school)




  1. probably a year behind.

  2. We use K12!

    Where the public school places you will depend a lot on the public school.  You should print out the scope & sequence for the courses you have completed and take them with you when you visit the school.

    If you WANT to be done with school early, and you have accumulated enough credits, you may well be placed in senior level classes, based on the S&S for the courses you've taken and with your parents' permission.  If you don't want to be in with kids older than you are, or you want to have an "easier" year, then you can request to go into junior level classes.  Whether or not you get what you want will depend a lot on the school, the district's rules and requirements, and your parents!

    Good luck, Sarah.

    : )  P

    ds 9

    ds 7

  3. You would be placed according to age, not accomplishments. My recommendation would be to continue homeschooling and try to get some early college credits under your belt. You'll be much the better for it!

  4. Yes, i live in PA and i'm in k-12 and i really like it! I'm a year ahead also but im going to stay in the charter school probably. They might ask you to take a placement test to see where you fall, but if you are really ahead then im guessing you'll be in 12th. I've been homeschooled my whole life, ive never gone to school but this year i played basketball for a public high school and school isnt all its cut out to be. If you easily make friends then you have nothing to worry about. I would seriously think about it. Your parents probably wont want you like dropping out n coming back to homeschooling. You can adjust to your own schudule being homeschooled. Hope i helped (sorry for the extended response)

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