
Help identifying chicken breed?

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The chicken was almost solid black with a white splotch on his chest and butt at about a week old. Now they are about 4 weeks old and Have mottled feathers (black with brown) they are aquiring a comb, and their feet are a dark shade with orange toes.




  1. this web site has pictures, maybe it will help.There are lots of different black chickens! - 10k

  2. It's pretty hard to tell when they are young like that, and only starting to fledge out.  There are a lot that look very similar.

    Do you know what color eggs they will lay, by any chance?  That can help narrow it down.

  3. could be a black austrolorp or a black minorca

    do you have a picture?

    sounds kind of like my austolorp, but she doesn't have orange toes.

  4. Check this breeder supplier catalog for an illustration that is your bird variety (provided it is not a mixed breed).

  5. Might be a { sooner } sooner to be one thing or another! lol       Could be a mixed Breed! A picture would help!

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