
Help! im 13 and scared of ghosts.?

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its likr 1 am and i cant sleep cause im parinoid there is something in my room how do i get over this? i dont beleive in ghosts but im reallly scared anny suggestions on how to overcome this fear?




  1. God doesn't like when you are always worried and sacred of things because there is no need to worrie. God wants you to run into his arms when you are afraid he is like a father figure to us.

  2. if you have a dog, or some other pet that isn't small and rodent like, bring it into your room and let it sleep there.

    and if you don't, just go watch tv, or take a walk,

    or maybe take some sleeping pills.  

  3. Spirits are very real, but 80% of what most people see are very harmless... Now as for demons they are not harm-less and they can prove to be very dangerous in a multitude of ways...............

  4. If it makes you feel better, turn a light on in the hallway or maybe turn the TV on to keep you company.

  5. Well, I won't say if they're real or not, because I don't know (although I have my opinions). But if they are real, they obviously don't want to hurt you or they would have probably done it already, so no need to be worried about them.

  6. tell it to leave! now! r to leave some rent money on the table if it wants to stay!

  7. I had that problem... Hehe... Well, I found that a way to get out of that fear, or at least put it aside for a little while is to keep myself busy until I get tired. I often do homework, or just write something randomly, I watch TV or listen to music, until I fall asleep. Sleep with the lights on? But I don't know, I feel that closing my eyes in the dark shut helps better, if you can't see them, then they're not there, right? Besides, what's the worst they could do to you?

  8. How can you be scared of something you don't believe in?

  9. Turn on your light, and your tv and talk to someone on the computer. C= The light is company some how. (well to me at least)

  10. i'm 14 and i'm still experiencing that so my advise to you is to think of funny things you've done and warm days you've experienced and fall asleep as you think of this.. (though it's still creepy)

  11. Well, the only thing that usually helps me when I am scared is to pray.  I am not super religious but I believe that there is a God and praying for protection works for me, I am not sure what your beliefs are but I would try that..think about the good things in life too.  That will help sidetrack your mind.

  12. Stomp your feet on the ground.  Because we're physical beings, doing this helps us get grounded again and moves us away from things like ghosts.

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