
Help im 15 and pregnant!!i have medicaid...but my parents...=[?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i just found out I'm pregnant..i need to go to the dr. to check everything..i have an insurance card..[my friend, which is also pregnant] told me that she don't need her parents this true..can i go to check myself to the d.r. with my insurance card and without my parents[im not planning on telling them fo now at last..i probably run away =[..]..also..can the doctor tell me how old is the baby[as in weeks]..??i have my insurance card also!!!=[.=]


n please dont start critism me...i made a mistake ..i know that

thanks again!




  1. No your body isn't ready for a baby.  Having a baby is shown to prematurely fuse your growth platelets which will stunt your growth.  Your body will have difficulties with the demands of pregnancy because it still hasn't had time to adjust to the demands of puberty.

    As for not telling your parents and running away I will have to tell you that that is about the most immature thought patterns I've ever heard.  Your having a baby... it's time to grow up.  I mean this with all kindness!!! You just can't run away from your problems... not only are you hurting your baby but your hurting yourself and your parents. If your mature enough to have a baby then your mature enough to face the harsh reality that comes with having a baby and that means facing up to those people you know will be disappointed in you.  

    I wish you luck with your life!! You've chosen a hard path at a very young age!!!  Your parents are probably the only people who will ALWAYS be there even if they are saddened by you decisions!!!    

  2. I'm not trying to criticizeze you, the mistake was already made, so there's no point in bit**ing about it.

    You can go to the doctor alone, but like someone else said, bring some money. And the very best thing you can do is tell your parents, they might be upset for a little while, but trust me do not run away. It would be the very best for you and your baby, if you care about your baby then DO NOT RUN AWAY!!

    I do wish you the best!


  3. You can go to an OB/GYN and receive care with out your Parents there. It is against HIPPA for any one to disclose your health records even if you are a minor you would have to sign a release form stating it is ok. You should not be charged for your visit b/c you have medicaid. You can also check with your MCO which is the insurance company you have they normally have a 24 hour nurse help line that you can call and speak with a nurse and they can guide you in the right direction as what to do.  

  4. Yes you can go to he doctor alone. And by law they can't say anything to your parents.

    Just bring your insurance card then they usually charge you for a check-up or for an in office visit. So you should bring like $20. Thats the usual cost.

    Oh and yes, you're body is ready, as long as your healthy and you eat well. Im not saying you are emotionally ready but I wont judge. Good Luck.

  5. If you use the insurance card, they are going to know (your parents).

    Why run away?  You really think that will be a better life for you and baby?  With that mind set, you are not even close to being mature enough to raising a child.  You are going to have MUCH more trivial situations in life while being a mom.

  6. you dont need to run away you need to talk to them asap they will probably help you and i agree no abortion but you need to talk to them and depending on what state ur in you can do it on your own FL you cant if you want to talk and by the way congrats on the baby and best of luck to you both

  7. you're my age, i greatly advise you to have an abortion.

    It'll affect your studying life and greatly ruin your future if you decide to keep it.

    However, if u decide to keep it, bring 30 bucks to the doctor and ask for a checkup.


    Good luck, having a baby is extremely harmful to the body of someone like you.

    Remember to use a condom in the future.

  8. Think of your baby. What sort of life is it going to have if you runaway???  Your baby HAS to come first. Its not about you anymore.

    You cant runaway and live on the streets with your baby. Or go from living on someones couch to the next person's couch when you have a baby. They need stability, routines, not moving around.

    To give your baby the best life, you need to start to become an adult and tell your parents. Face the consequences. Things will only get harder before they get better. You'll need your parents support- even if its only a roof over yours and your baby's head- to help you raise this child.

  9. I really think you should tell your parents because you really need their support. Your parents will be billed for visiting the doctor but you can go by yourself. I am not sure if the doctor will be about to tell you how old your baby is. Your body should be capable in producing a healthy baby only if you take care of yourself.

  10. tell ur parents

    dont run away

    u can definitely go w/ur insurance card n just take 30

    ur body has been ready to be pregnant ever since u got ur period!

    keep ur chin up! u can do this! stay strong..dont let anybody bring u down!

  11. You've already made a mistake. Why keep making mistakes by trying to hide it from your parents. Do not run away. That would be the worst thing to do for your baby. Talk to a counselor at church or school, or even a close adult family member. That way you have a little support on your side. Then go to  your parents. You felt as though you were grown-up enough to have s*x. So the grown-up thing to do is to tell your parents, so that you and baby can get the best care possible. No doctor in their right mind will treat you and your baby without your parents consent. You are just a minor=child. It's not the end of the world. Go to your parents and get help for you and your baby, you will need it. I am not sure if your body is ready to have a baby. Your development is not even complete. But it's too late to worry about that now. I applaud you for keeping your baby, that is a very responsible decision for you to make. Good Luck. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to send me a message.

  12. just tell your parents. yeah you'll be in huge trouble. but they're your parents. they'll still love you and help you out. it will be way better for you and your baby in the long run. do NOT run away. last thing you wanna do.

  13. im not a doctor but i believe that they can do that. i know that you're probably going to be panicing and all but you need to suck it up and tell your parents the truth. its not going to help you by running away. you are strong and i think that you are just fine. you body is going to be ready for a baby and i know that everything will be all right. just take deep breaths, wait a couple of days and suck it up and confess. its better telling the truth than lying. your friend can help you and all so just ask her a few questions. you never know, it might be exiting to have a baby!

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