
Help im addicted. can you give me ways to lose my bad habit?

by  |  earlier

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okay well im addicted to popping and picking at my pimples and blackheads. everytime i look i have to touch it. i wash my face after ward but they dont go away and im getting cream but i need a way to break this habit. can you help me?




  1. drink lots of water and start taking vit. e. quit touching your face because your hands are oily-could be reason why your breaking out so much,

  2. Every time you go to pick at your pimples or blackheads just in your head say "NO! DON'T!"

    I know it sounds silly but it works, its how I stopped biting my nails.

  3. I used to have the same habit but I broke it. And what helped me was that every time I touched it, I would think about how worse it would get. But whats worse is picking on acne scars. I used to do that. I broke the habit and that topical gel seems to be working fine on my face. Idk about blackheads, but I think they should be popped. That's how the people do it when you go do your facials. Well if you want you can go do your facials somewhere. It's pampering and relieves your stress to stop stress breakouts.

  4. just keep thinking how much more worse its gna get if yu pop em

    yur spreadin it

    making like 3 More pimples!!!

    so not worth it!!!

    and jst use clearing scrub for the blackheads

    when they are gone

    yu have nothing to pick at ryte?

  5. I had a friend like that and we had to keep her away from mirrors and hide the small ones.  Get rid of your compacts and tell your friends to keep you away unless it's essential. lol  

  6. Do something else when you have the urge.

  7. I do the same thing.  Usually if you dry them out real quick with alcohol it keeps you from popping them.  Just try and avoid it.  Fight the urge with everything you've got.

  8. Pretty much just self control. No one or nothing can stop you except you. Good luck pimple popper.

  9. If straight willpower isn't working for you, then each time you want to pick/pop them, just spend a minute beforehand, close your eyes and try this visualization.... pretend you're popping/picking with your hands (but in the air, not on your skin!), imagine hearing the noise of it popping, seeing the gunk come out, see/feel how it looks/feels on the skin (both your face and your fingers), but as you do it, imagine that time runs really quickly just afterwards and everything that can go wrong does go wrong... see the scab become infected and even pussier, imagine the smell of the infected pimple on your face, see the really noticeable scar where you picked it (and a lifetime's worth of having to cover it up), really focus on what it would feel like being in public with that huge thing on your face that only looks so bad because you picked at it..... Whatever it is that would really upset *you*, focus on it and see it as if it's true, feel it as if it's true, hear it as if it's true (eg what would people say to you?)... if you get into a habit of doing that each time you go to pick your pimples/blackheads, you'll stop wanting to pick them so much, and get out of the habit.

    Best of luck (although you don't need luck, you just need to make sure you do it!).

  10. you need to realize that if you pop them they get worse.

  11. Think about the fact that whenever you touch the pimples your just rubbing more bacteria, oil, and dirt into your skin, only adding to the problem. Also try to think about the bacteria that you are touching when you pop your pimples, if you think about it in a way that grsses you out you won't want to touch them anymore.

  12. Try putting makeup over your pimples so it doesn't look so tempting you may get scars!

  13. well just think that in the future you are going to have holes on your face if u dont stop doing that!

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