
Help! im always fighting with my mom?

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0 LIKES UnLike a 14 year old girl and i was always really close with my mom. but lately we just cant stop fighting. like every second we are fighting and yelling at each other. i seriously like cant tell her anything cause she doesnt understand. i think i have really grown to hate her. what do i do?




  1. First off you don't hate her, right now you just don't like her. You may be 14 but it's never too early to act like an adult. Go up to her when she is in a calm state and very calmly, explain to her how you feel and what this fighting is doing to your relationship. Ask her what you can do to help the relationship and tell her what you think she could do. Your mother will be shocked at the maturity you came at her with. Being honest with people is the best way to solve any problem. And when it's over, let her know that you love her!!!!!!  

  2. talk  to here

  3. im 14 also and me and my mom used to fight a lot too but you need to just try to talk to her and tell her how she is beginning to get on your nerves(but say it in a nice way)

    i hope this helps good luck!

  4. You don't hate your Mum. What your going through is quiet normal all kids your age go through this I went through it with my 3 kids and I'm 60 now my kids are grown up. Your Mum should be your best friend as well as your Mum, try to imagine how you would feel if your Mum was ill or wasn't around for you, believe me, you would miss her terribly. Try to stop yelling and fighting with each other, be grateful you've got her. I have just lost my mum she was 86 and believe me it hurst like h**l when there gone so try to value your Mum even spoil her sometimes, make her a cup of tea or coffee give her a hug, loving your own Mum is so very easy give it a go.  Good Luck.

  5. You don't really hate your mom, you're just going througha rough patch with her.

    First of all, take a look at your self, your attitude and your behavior.  Any problems there?  Have you been giving her attitude?  have you been acting like a brat?  You have to look at yourself and how you are acting and see if that is causing problems with your mom.

    Secondly, look at your mom's behavior.  Has she been stressed out at work?  Is money tight?  Sometimes these things can affect the way an adult reacts toward a young person.  I'm not saying it's right, but it happens.

    Once you can see if there are any outside sources to the stress between you and your mom you can begin to see how to solve the problem.  If your mom is stressed out about not having enough money, don't ask her to spend $100 for something you don't really need, for example.

    If the problem is with yourself, work to keep the attitude in check or whatever.  If the problem is with your mom, sit down with her and talk to her.  Get your thoughts and facts in order and when you can handle yourself like an adult and keep the attitude and emotions in check, talk with your mom.  Being a mom is sometimes as hard as being a teenager.

    If the problem is that you want more freedom than she is willing to give, see if you can compromise.  COme up with a list of the things you think you should be able to do along with rules for each and punishments that will be handed down if you break the rules.  For example, you want to stay out until 11 pm.  If you are more than 5 minutes late, your cell phone will be taken away for a week.  

    Sometimes it can be hard for a mom to understand her own kid.  I think sometimes it's because they have trouble accepting the fact that their child is growing up.  Sometimes it's because they think if their child is asking about something it means he/she is doing it.  For example, if you ask your mom about drugs, she assumes you are using them, which is stupid.

    Anyway, I hope this helps.

  6. You've just turned a teenager; these things happen. Eventually, you and your mom will have disagreeing times. I don't think you really HATE her, if she were to die, you would still cry, right? Just try to have some quality time with your mom doing something you both love, where arguing just isn't an option. Things will be fine; it's just a transition year.

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