
Help! im babysitting??

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hi. i am babysitting tonight for a nine year old boy and 4 year old girl and i need some craft ideas. i want to do a craft with them that is not too messy but still creative and fun. thanks




  1. by some popsicle sticks and glue and have a contest to see who can build the best sculpture and a small prize

    (make it purposely a tie so nither one feels bad)

    do a scavenger hunt around the house and the grand prize for the winner coul be one selection out of a basket of candies and half a candy bar for the 2nd place person

  2. Get huge pieces of paper and trace both of them, them let them color themself in,  

  3. If i were u i would probably do a craft like with paint but nothing like beads or anything to small so they wont choke. They can make little name cards to put in their room or make gifts. But make sure you do the craft in an area of the house that is easy to clean just in case things do get messy

  4. Play games instead.  Hide and seek is a fav.

  5. A collage with the letters in their names or a card for their parents.

  6. Well, you could always let them make cards for their parents. Or my sister made this cool craft where you paint your foot and press down on the paper. Then you write on top of it "I love you from the top of my head to the tips of my toes!" It was cute. And she also had these long stems with flowers growing out of each toe. OR if that doesn't work here is a recipe for some edible play dough:

    1/2 C peanut butter

    1/2 C honey

    1 C powdered milk

    Just throw it all together and mush it up with your hands until its fairly smooth. The oils from the peanut butter will keep it from sticking to the table and the kids' hands.

    Let them play with it for a while before you tell them they can eat it, otherwise they will eat it right away.

    But I baby-sit my neighbors often (a boy and a girl) and usually we just watch TV or play video games and stuff like that. If the crafts are too much work you could easily do something simple like that or make a cave or put on a play. Good luck and have fun!!!

  7. I know what you are going through. Go to walmart or something and buy stick on magnets, card stock, maybe scraps of scrapbooking paper, and stickers or gems. get the card stock and cut them into squares maybe 5x5. find a picture of something they are interested in on the internet when you are with them. cut the scraps of paper them same size as the card stock and glue it on. then stick the magnets on the back. then you can glue the picture on the paper and have the kids decorate it any way they want. or you can buy plastic organization continers big enough to but some toys in. have them decorate it with sitckers gems and permenet marker. then when it comes time to put away toys they can use they newly made contianer to but them away.  

  8. popsicle sticks always work.

    or you can have them take empty toilet paper rolls and make binoculars out of them. color them up, too.

    take PB and put in a pine cone, add sunflowers and the birds love this.

    take PB again and stick it on an empty toilet paper roll and do the same thing above.

  9. you can card make draw scrapbook.

  10. i don't know

  11. Here's a simple, cheap and not messy option... you will need to do the cutting though.

    Go to the site below, where you can print out sheets that contain their favorite cartoon/video game characters, then cut them out and fold!  No glue or paints required though you can always use them too.

    Afterwards you can use the paper dolls for storytelling, role playing, etc.

  12. Make a card or draw pictures.

  13. Sounds like you are a great babysitter! My babysitters never tried that hard.

    How about a snow-globe? We did these at Christmas but they are always nice. This project re-uses stuff you already have (except maybe the glitter) First look in the recycling bin for a couple of clear glass jars with lids. On the lid, get the kids to squish some playdough or plasticene. Crayola model magic works too. You can either buy little figurines, or find some around the house. Most kids have lots of little stuff like this. Push the little toys into the plasticene. The important thing is that everything needs to be really well stuck. Once the little scene is finished, put some silver glitter into the jar. (Don't add oil or water, that kind of snow globe is more messy and challenging and needs hot-glue to seal it)

    The last thing is to put the lid on the jar, tie a ribbon on if you like, give it a shake, and's snowing!
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