
Help im desperate?

by  |  earlier

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I had a dental procedure done yesterday afternoon i had my gum cut and scrapped back to get infection out of my tooth they have stitched it up and everything and put me on antibiotics thankfully it has stopped bleeding lol but i am a smoker and i have not had a ciggerette since yest before operation but i really really gaggain for a ciggerette do you think i will be ok to smoke now or is it still to soon?




  1. its too soon! wait a few more days! i know its hard, im a smoker too! just be strong, you can do it!!

  2. You should refrain from smoking within the first 48-72 hours because smoke can impede the healing process and it causes a greater chance of developing a painful condition known as dry socket. That's one thing you don't want. The bone is exposed through the gum and is severely painful and difficult to treat. Not worth the risk. You're doing great already so just hold on.

  3. too soon bubs.

    c'mon, u can pull thru (:

    just have a glass of water instead of a ***.

  4. You will be better of going to the local drug store and buying some Nicorette or the Nicoderm CQ patch.  This will stop your craving [and be a good chance to stop your addiction]. Smoking sux!

  5. This is a good excuse to get off the cigs. They are ruining your health. Call 1-800-Quit-Now for support.

  6. Me too about a year ago.

    They clipped the bottom of my tooth.

    Don't do it. The consequences maybe as follows:

    Infected again. If this happens the infection will soak up most of the contents of the syringe and they will have to scrape the infection out again but the next time you will feel it!

    Get some patches!

  7. Naw have a ciggy and ejoy it - how can it do you harm?

  8. too soon bubs.

    c'mon, u can pull thru (:

    just have a glass of water instead of a f*g.

  9. It is too soon. The heat from the cigarette could s***w up your stiches.

    Also, cigarettes are bad for you. They can cause cancer and other diseases which just suck. I'd kick the habit, and not being able to have cigarettes right now because of your surgery is a good start.

  10. go on have a delicious cigarette-you know you want one.........
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