
Help! im gonna be a aunt and im excited but im scared. i want to be like a secong mom for the baby.?

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is it weird i want to be like a secong mom for the baby?




  1. It's not that weird. My sister is like that with my son. You just have to remember that it's not really your baby. If someone says that you have a pretty baby or your baby is so well behaved make sure to correct them and let them know you are the aunt. It's good to have a lot of ppl raising a baby. Without all the help I get, I'm not sure I could do it all. Be there but just remember to keep your distance at the same time. Mom's can feel like there being pushed out of the picture by an over active aunt or grand parent.

  2. It's not wierd, everyone gets excited about a new baby and wants to be around it and be close.  You just have to realize that there's only one mom, and what she says goes.

  3. Sounds like you are going to be a problem for somebody!

    You aren't the mommy.  Babies need ONE mommy.  ONLY one.

    That ain't you.

    You have a choice:  You can either remember that yourself, and behave accordingly (i.e., NOT as if you are a second mom!), or you can cause heartache.

    Your choice.

  4. It's not weird but you do have to keep your boundaries and respect them.

  5. Awww...  being an aunt is awesome! I have a new nephew and I plan on spoiling him rotten (my other nephews and nieces are all older now). It is very exciting, but don't worry about being scared. Being an aunt comes naturally. Besides, when they fuss, you can give them back to their mom. lol

  6. Just don't overdo it- it's great to be involved and the mom will appreciate all the help, just know when enough is enough and always do things gladly, not as a "favor".  I don't think second mom is a good way to put it. A supportive, loving  aunt.

  7. I am a mommy of two as well as an auntie!!!! I LOVE BEING AN AUNTIE and though i guess I never conciously told myself that I wanted to be like a second mom to my nephews I guess I am... My seven year old nephew I know will always know my doors open and I can see him later in life coming to me with problems and what not... I'm the cool and fun auntie... his favorite by far and I know he looks to me as a second mom... being an auntie is like being a parent... it just comes naturally... nothing to worry about!

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